Where to buy doTERRA oils near me?

I could not find a doTERRA store near me, but I could find a doTERRA online store in my laptop

It is surprising in these modern technological times that some customers still insist on purchasing products face to face. Now , I totally get it, that personal service is sometimes vital to get a good service. However, the doTERRA business model of having independent distributors / Wellness Advocate creates a small but important issue and this is not the fault of doTERRA or even the Wellness Advocate. It is simply the nature of the business.

The reality is independent distributors are independent from doTERRA so they work when and how they like, which is for many Wellness Advocates the reason why they join doTERRA in the first place. They can choose their hours or not as the case may be, which generally means that there are many Wellness Advocates that do very little and are not really interested in opening up their lives to others interested in joining. This means that if you are serious about running doTERRA as a business finding someone local may not work for you. Yes they will let you join, but will not support or help you in anyway leaving you to fend for yourself.

In this case, the best option is to find a experience Wellness Advocate regardless where they reside so you get the best help and support in building your business. In addition, if they are a good network marketer they are likely to be sponsoring enough members to place with your team and help build your team even faster.


So, why is the doTERRA distributor near me not able to help and support me?

Good question, simply they do not have the time, energy, training or experience to help you and this is not to say this is all of them, but they are trying to run a second business around a family and life commitments. They joined doTERRA for different reasons than many of us do. If we look at the number ratio in doTERRA, 85% of all members join because they love the products and not because they want to be a entrepreneur. Now, interestingly, some do become overtime interested in running Doterra as a business but most not.

This leaves about 15% , but personally I think it is nearer 10% that truly run doTERRA as a business. So, for those who see doTERRA as a opportunity to work from home or anywhere else they want, consider reaching out to a leader and not a local part-time distributor and from my experience, never a friend. I have found that a business relationship is different than a personal friends and so if you value your friendships avoid bring it into your business unless you are really sure it will work.


A doTERRA store is in your home 24 / 7

The introduction of technology and the internet has changed everything in the world of eCommerce and the home based business with nearly every business having it as a vital part of their origination. Purchasing doTERRA oils can be done as simply as enrolling online as a Wellness Advocate or Wholesale Customer and buying the product straight away without even speaking to anyone. 

Over the last 20 years we as consumers have been slowly accustomed to buying everything from clothes, car parts and now with doTERRA essential oils and wellness products online. If this is a good or bad development time will tell, but as someone new to the home based and network marketing industry understanding the power of blending traditional and online methods and someone to help and support you through this transition is vital to your success as a  Wellness Advocate.


How does a new wellness advocate get mentored by a top leader in doTERRA?

Most of the top doTERRA Wellness Advocates have teams all over the world. I personally have teams in the US, Canada, UK / Europe, and Australia and have found that communication while mentoring is the easiest part of the process. The video conferencing options are vast and freely available such as Skype, Facebook video chat and WhatsApp. In addition, the use of Facebook or Linkedin groups, Zoom weekly webinar meetings, weekly podcasts and newsletter has made it so easy to update members on the latest oil or the best marketing method.  This means that in most cases that the weekly webinar only takes about 60 minutes and that is it.

The alternative is driving for maybe 30-60 minutes there and back to a so called local meeting which lasts for far longer than it should and costs you money to boot. 

Doterra online store

Why do most customers buy doTERRA oils online and why should we also work there?

I quickly realized when I started to work online many years ago and maybe more so since I have been with doTERRA, that the “virtual world is simply an extension of the physical world”. I know that many may disagree with me or if not disagreeing, are unhappy with the thought of this reality, however we interact virtually every minute of everyday via our social media profiles, messaging apps and smartphones. So there is no step at all to reaching out to the next stage of branding yourself and your business online. 

Many customers see this new reality as the norm, the young find it difficult to understand how it wasn’t always the normal way to purchase what they want the older generation and jumping on board fast than ever with the rise of eBay, Amazon and even supermarkets starting to deliver to our homes. So, the goal should be simple, educate yourselves to buy doTERRA products and sharing them as safely as possible.

I want to buy doTERRA oils near me, but I also want someone who is going to help me build a business, can I join you?

Yes, of course, let me tell you something about myself. My name is Steven Jackson and I have been with doTERRA for some years with an addition 20 years in the home based and network marketing industry.

I successfully run doTERRA via the internet as well as face to face when possible, but I have found that over the years, the online method does improve the sales and enrollment rates by as much as 70% or more over the traditional network marketing enrollment method.

If this way of running a doTERRA business seems interesting to you, either subscribe to my newsletter for more information or enroll via the instructions below.

How can I make a doTERRA order online and become a wellness advocate?

  1. Click here (Technical advice: Mobile devices can have glitches, for best results use the Chrome browser on your PC or Mac computer)
  2. Choose your language and country
  3. Choose your kit (When you purchase a product enrollment the enrollment fee is waived)
    • To purchase the 35$ enrollment, click on the “Individual Products” button and then click on the Bag button on the top right hand side of the page.
  4. Review your order and proceed to checkout
  5. Fill in your details
  6. Choose Wellness Advocate or Wholesale Customer
  7. Enroller ID and Sponsor ID is: 930175
  8. All Wellness Advocate packages includes a free webshop, back office and no monthly fee
  9. Fill in your Shipping details
  10. Pay for your order

In a few minutes you will receive an email welcoming from doTERRA and access to your doTERRA Membership.

For more details about our doTERRA online store click on the learn more button below and we will get back to you asap.


How to reduce fear of failure phobia in my doTERRA business

How to reduce fear of failure

The subject of fear of success came to light when I was preparing for my doTERRA Podcast on how to overcome fear of failure in business

I am not sure why one person fears failure or even success while another does not. It would suggest that confidence in one’s own abilities must be an important element. However, I also see our personal and business life structures playing an important role.

I can recall when I was sitting in front of my computer contemplating whether or not doTERRA was the business for me. I kept thinking, was doTERRA really going to allow me and my family to be successful and achieve everything I wanted?

I knew that I had been mildly successful in other businesses before, so why not with doTERRA?


This is an important stage in anybody’s life when the fear of failure preludes the decision whether one should commit to something important or just not bother in the first place. 

We have all done it with little things such as not going to the gym, because we may believe we are too fat or we will never lose weight anyway. The fear of failing can stop us in our tracks. So, is it really the fear of failure or the fear of change and the fear of walking towards an unknown future that is holding us back?

This is the point when opportunities pass us by!

Why do we fear failure?

First of all, we have to start from the position of what we personally define as failure. We all define personal and business failure differently because we are different. We all have different personal histories as well as different values and beliefs. One person may argue that living is about lifetime learning, while another would see the same situation as a personal failure.

The danger is when the fear of failing becomes so bad that we stop doing anything, which prevents us from moving forward to achieve our life goals. This mindset can come from anything such as critical or unsupportive parents. Maybe even in our past or routinely undermined or humiliated during our youth which creates negative feelings in later life.

The fear of failure phobia list

The fear of failing comes in many forms, so check the list against yourself as a reminder of what to avoid:

  • Not wanting to try new things
  • Not wanting to start a challenging project
  • Self-sabotage such as procrastination and a failure to follow through
  • Low self-esteem or low self-confidence
  • Perfectionism which manifest itself in people who only do what they already can do well

In reality, failure is an important part of our lives and anyone who suggests they have not experienced any kind of failure has been tiptoeing through life and simply not really living at all.

We all fall, we all walk into walls, we all shout at ourselves for making stupid decisions. It is about the character of ourselves and all the possibilities that we may miss if we do not break through the failures and march forward regardless.

But what is failure good for anyway?

  • Failure is the best teacher you will ever know, it will teach you when others have given up
  • Failure will show you what sort of a person you really are
  • Failure will tell you who your real friends are
  • Failure will give you that passion and motivation to succeed
  • Failure will show you valuable insights that you would not have know without failing

How to overcome fear of failure in business

How to overcome fear of failure in business and break the circle

Once we tell ourselves that everything we do in life, from bringing up children, getting married and attending job interviews, that there will be a possibility of failure. The trick is to face it and embrace it and during this process enjoy a fuller and more rewarding life.

My personal story of watching the fear of failure

When I arrived in Finland and decided to do a Bachelor degree in social pedagogy with the goal of improving my employment opportunities. I must admit, I did not have any fear of failing, however I watched many classmates seriously hold themselves back with the fear of finishing. The thought that they would leave the security of being a student and get a job was a massive fear. The fear of responsibility, the fear of paying their own way and the fear that they may have to take an adult role in life was too much for some.

However, those of us who did finish and were sent out into the world, it was not clear sailing. I applied for many jobs and did get some interviews with a very very high failure rate. This was down to my Finnish language skills, however with every embarrassing interview, my Finnish skills did improve until 8 weeks later I got my first job.

This taught me one thing, that the fear of failure will take you far, if you want something bad enough and are willing to fight for it.

However, for those of you who need tools to learn how to reduce fear of failure check out the list below:

  • Think about all the possible outcomes, because one of the biggest fears for many of us is the fear of the unknown
  • Have a positive mindset, because we all know that positive thinking is a very powerful way to build self confidence
  • Think about how bad it can really get, if you are intending to go skydiving, then death could be the worst-case scenario, but how bad can running a doTERRA business really be.
  • Creating a plan B can help you feel more confident about moving forward.

How do I stop living in the circle of fear?

There is no way around it, learning how to overcome fear of failure in business is about being brave enough to stand up and walk forward, so below I have put some tips that may help:

  • Set goals: Goals help us define where we are going in life and the reason is because without goals, we can not be sure of our destination.
  • Visualize your goals: Visualizing our goals is a very powerful tool for goal setting, if you imagine what your life and business will look like in the future it will give you the motivation to move forward.
  • Small daily goals:  Set goals that are not overwhelmingly or challenging, this is designed to boost your confidence.
  • Going back to the basics: This is a personal solution I use when I get stuck. Going back to basics, doing what works, keep that routine going and do it every day.

When someone starts a business such as doTERRA the fear can come in many forms, such as when you want to talk to friends and family about your business or products. The best method is to take one small step and then another, however to break through the fear and to gain confidence, steps must be made. Once you are moving forward to your next small goal, you will not become overwhelmed with the final goal, which is becoming successful in your doTERRA business and in life.

For more details about doTERRA and the fear of failure phobia click on the “Learn More” button below and add your name and email address of the form and I will get back to you asap….


The truth about doTERRA is a profound experience

The truth about doTERRA

The truth about doTERRA is that anyone who works hard and really wants to be successful can be when they become a wellness advocate.

Everyday when I browse my doTERRA back office I have seen average people with no prior experience in business becoming successful for the very first time. I am so exited when I see someone succeed. They have put in the time, they have educated themselves and they have asked for advice when they need it. 

Most of them really don’t believe it when they begin, but once they realize that it is possible the transformation is unbelievable. It begins when they start selling the oils and moving slowly up the doTERRA ranks. This is the time when the have a massive mindset change. It happens slowly, but when it does their new found confidence glows.


The journey through the doTERRA ranks to success

When someone joins doTERRA, they join because they love the products and start sharing them with family and friends. They may not even consider making money from selling doTERRA products. It is only later they start considering doTERRA as a great business opportunity.

However, this does not mean that someone who starts from a business background is going to be any more successful than someone who simply wants to share the products. Yes, if someone starts seeing the financial potential of doTERRA from day one, they may have some advantage. However, being successful as a doTERRA Wellness Advocate is a process of changing our mindset towards a different way of looking at life.

The starting point is when we buy our first enrollment kit. We straight away say to ourselves, these products are special and over time we sell a few to family and friends and eventually gain the rank of Elite. This is the point that there is a mindset shift and we say to ourselves:

“I believe in the oils”

Believing that doTERRA oils are a great product that can help people all over the world is a fundamental milestone for your business. This is because from now on there will be a sense of confidence in your voice when you offer essential oils to a customer or friend.

The doTERRA ranks will define you

The rank of Premier is in many ways one of the most important stages of your business. It will be the turning point that will define you. One day you are an Elite Wellness Advocate, selling some products and sponsoring a few people and enjoying the experience. Then it happens, two of your team have achieved their own rank of Executive and everything changes and you notice that you have a earned a nice doTERRA commission payment and the belief in the business begins.

There will be a sense of achievement and satisfaction that you have started on the road to becoming a leader. Your team will look up to you and will be looking for guidance to allow them to also gain new ranks and earning. Stepping up to the plate and being that person will be an important part of your image from now on.

doTERRA pay scale to Silver and beyond

I personally consider the doTERRA ranks of Premier as a leadership training course. Your mentor should be working with you to help and support you towards the rank of Silver. During that time they should help you gain the skills and knowledge needed to continue your journey.  This will give you a clearer sense of meaning and leadership qualities.

Once achieving Silver, you should be a much wiser individual with three Elite’s in your team. You should be earning substantially more a month with an overall volume of over 10000 ov. At this point you should be working very closely with your team leaders and helping them to achieve their new ranks.

Every new rank achieved in doTERRA means another mindset change and psychological reinforcement that it is possible to be a doTERRA blue diamond. This is because once you have achieved Silver there is no going back.

doTERRA ranks

If I want to join, how does doTERRA membership work?

doTERRA is simply a home based business that uses a MLM direct sales business model as the business plan. It allows people like you and me to start a business from home for just 35$ / 20€ / £20 including a free webshop, backoffice and no monthly fee.

The wellness advocate or distributor can choose to market doTERRA products through family and friends. However, alternatively, they can run classes, do trade fares or coffee morning. Another method which has become more popular is to run doTERRA online via social media or blogging. 

If you are interested in building your doTERRA business online I would recommend reading “Beginners guide to online prospecting in network marketing” buy Steven Jackson. His eBook will take the reader through everything needed to build a business online as a doTERRA rep. For more details click on the “Download Now” button below.


Additional training with doTERRA

doTERRA offers various tools to help the new distributor to promote their business to a global customer base. One of its main tools is its Webshop. Each doTERRA consultant has their own affiliate link and unique code, so be sure you are joining the right person. This is because the process of changing enrollers is not easy or in some cases possible.


When we learn the truth about doTERRA it is a revelation. It is also been for me an unbelievable experience that has taken me and my family to another level. 

For more information about doTERRA and how you can achieve the to doTERRA ranks click on the “Learn More” button below. We will get back to you asap.


What is the best way to make money from home?

Best way to make money from home

Finding a business that offers legit ways to make money fast from home and online is not always easy to find, but search hard enough and you will find one or two

The internet promises many solutions to  make extra money from home legitimately, perhaps too many. There are ways to simplify the process to find a home business that can make extra money more quickly and efficiently than ever possible before.


Make money on the internet from home

Making money on the internet from home has recently been elevated from the ‘nice to have’ to the ‘must have’ business tool. Anyone who still ‘pooh-poohs’ the idea of using the internet to make money is simply ‘not with the program’.

The main challenge for most of us wanting to make extra money is that still have a traditional job is that the global meltdown has made the job market like shifting sands. So believing that we can ever return to the cradle to grave existence of the past is futile. However, alternatively committing oneself to investigating home based or online business you will quickly realize that choosing the right one is the key.

What is the best way to make money from home for me?

Yes, it is a difficult question. The fact is when choosing a legit money making  business we really need to evaluate which type of business is the right one for us and yes the choices are mind-boggling.

What are our options to make extra money from home legitimately?

Knowing what your money making options are is always a good place to start, such as:

  • We could develop our hobby into a commercial venture
  • We may enjoy building rock gardens
  • Maybe making soft toys

It is always good to be passionate about what we do but there are real challenges with ideas like this:

Firstly, if your product is time-intensive and depends solely on our physical effort and commitment to time, then the moment we fall ill or fall out of love with your idea you will stop making money.

Secondly, if you still work at a full time job you have a safer income, but we don’t have the time. However, if you lose your job you have the time but no money.

So, what is the real option of breaking the link between time and money and making extra money from home whilst still having a life?

Legit ways to make money fast

The best and legit ways to make money fast is in MLM

The main reason we need to consider MLM as a platform for making extra money from home is because of the leverage you get from this business model. I believe there is no other business model that will allow the business owner to duplicate their time and effort so effectively.

Thousands of people join MLM or Multi-Level Marketing businesses every month with the hope of making extra money and becoming successful in their chosen business. However, dreams of becoming successful ends in nothing and very often into a hatred of the business model itself. The main problem with many of these people is that they just want to know how to make money without learning any new skills or developing themselves as business people and leaders.

But to be fair to these disillusioned people joining MLM businesses all over the world. The reason is that building an MLM business was very high on the rejection front. In addition, riches seemed to go to the charismatic few who could attract people in by the force of their own personality. For the majority of us, the ‘price’ of making extra money from home far outweighed the ‘prize’

The fact is nobody really wants to invite all their friends, family and work colleagues to a meeting in their living room to be told that their business is rubbish. So, fortunately the MLM / Multi-level marketing business model has changed out of all recognition. So, whatever your preconceived areas of the past, the new look home based business model of MLM is really worth considering.

Using your home computer is the best way to make money from home

If we have a home computer or laptop and just some basic skills then you can be successful in the home based MLM business industry.

How to choose a hot opportunity from a lemon

So, how can I tell the difference between a lemon from a hottie? That is a good question because with over 430 networking businesses available on the internet right now, the question of what one to pick can be a little confusing. We could research a lot of money making businesses, but that’s a whole lot of time we just don’t have. What we need is some kind of ‘launchpad’ for a home business that will do all that research for us and plug us into the best networking businesses automatically.

What are the best home businesses generally speaking?

  • A stable and reliable opportunity
  • A company that is debt free company with no outside funding
  • The possibility to gain unlimited earning potential
  • A company that has a high retention rate of over 70%
  • Products that are not sold in the local supermarket so you are the main distributor
  • Retail commission at least 25%
  • Free webshop to market your business
  • Free back office to manage your business
  • No monthly fee
  • Low start-up cost of about 35$ / 20€ / £20
  • A compensation plan that allows new consultants to make extra money straight away and develops to allow achievers and high achievers to also make a residual income.

However, finding such a business is like gold dust, but as I said earlier there are one or two around, because we have been searching for you. All you need to remember is that if you position ourselves right, with the right leader in the right business opportunity, then we can be successful in MLM.  Even those who have tried MLM in the past without success, because you have all the tools to achieve the goal of being a successful business owner.

But will you do anything with it?

Only you know that.

What is the best way to make money from home and online?

Like most things in life education and training is needed.

The best resource available at the moment for someone wanting to build a business online is by one of the most successful online marketers around. 

He found that there was many newbies looking for ways to make extra money online but with no understanding how to do so.

His solution was to create and develop an eBook for beginners called the “Beginners guide to online prospecting in network marketing”. The role of the eBook is to allow anyone with the smallest amount of skills to make money online.

For more details click on the button below and start making extra money fast.



This is the time to have an alternative income or arguably a “Plan B”. Inflation is going through the roof and basic products such as food, power and medication is becoming out of reach of everyone apart from the mega rich.

The only solution is to find legit ways to make money fast. To learn how to start to make extra money from home legitimately, click on. the “Learn More” button below.


Can you really make money from home jobs online?

Make money from home jobs

It definitely was and still is an ambition of mine to find jobs where I can work from home, aboard or in fact anywhere I want, but how possible is it really?

About seven years ago I found myself like many in a dead end job with no prospect of advancing, however life was good. I was happy with my marriage, I earned enough to travel and I felt that I was content.

For me anyway, the problem with content is that content starts to turn into boredom. I was sitting and watching the clock thinking, how many working days in a year can I continue this way of life.

I understood that something needed to change and rightly or wrongly, I needed to find something new, something that would allow me to earn from home or anywhere in the world. 

I’m not sure it was even about the idea that I could earn money working online. I guess it could have been, but there is a time in everybody’s life that we say to ourselves that we want more. I think it more relates to a sense of personal achievement and development which ultimately in many cases creates wealth.

Get Started today!

Searching for jobs where I can work from home

Straight away, I made a decision to find something new and existing, but quite quickly I found that most of the time I was not qualified or even though they did not say, too old.

Apparently, having a degree and life experience in my early 50’s was not enough in this young dynamic work environment. So, be advised, you get the idea that you want to change your life, the earlier the better.

However, an old friend of mine mentioned that it was possible to start a home business for very little money. I decided to research this idea and search again online to see what was available for me and my situation.

I was amazed how many companies offer online business for as little as 35$ or for those living in Europe 20€ / £20. It took very little effort to start and no experience needed. However, as I realized quite fast that working for oneself is a lonely life if you are used to working in a very social environment like an office or workshop. Nevertheless, I found the experience very positive and rewarding, because finally it was not just about the money. Learning how to build a business independently is a buzz which I don’t get bored of.   

Jobs where I can work from home

What is the best way to make money from home jobs and businesses?

Before making any decision about what type of business you want to get involved with, make a list of what you want from a home business. Check out mine below and see if it makes sense in your situation.

  • What type of product line are you looking for?
  • Are the company’s products sale-able?
  • Does the company offer a free webshop?
  • Will you get free training?
  • Is the start-up costs low?
  • Does the bonus plan work and are new members of the company making money?
  • Do you have an empathy with the products?
  • Can you work from home and aboard?
  • Are customers happy with the products?
  • Is the company growing?

Once you have gone through the list of things you want from a company and researched them enough that you can say to yourself that this is the company for me. At that point you need to consider a very important aspect of running a home business and that is how are you going to do it?

This means…

  • What stratify will you use in your business?
  • What daily actions will you take?
  • What type of plan will you have?
  • What will your goals be?

For those interested, I would recommend an excellent book by Steve Jackson called “Beginners guide to online prospecting in network marketing”. This eBook will take the reader through all the skills and knowledge needed to succeed. The eBook is broken down into 14 steps and 27 tasks with subjects ranging from keyword optimization, content writing and building a warm leads list. The final goal of the eBook is to empower someone new to the MLM industry to become successful by having a plan that works and allowing them to earn money while at home.

eBook Preview

After all my research I found a company that ticked all the boxes and gave me the confidence to start a home business.

  • I had considered a tech product but in the end opted for a products that customers would need to purchase on a monthly bases
  • 85% of all this companies members are customers with a retention rate of about 67% so return customers are purchasing almost every month
  • This company offers as a part of their business package a free webshop and back office
  • This company offers free online training globally
  • This companies start up cost is only 35$ / 20€ / £20 and no month fee
  • The compensation plan works because 62% gain the rank of Silver (26370$ annual earnings) and 23% gain the rank of Gold  (57370$ annual earnings)
  • I think the products are great but my wife loves them and uses them everyday
  • This company allows me to work on this business globally online
  • This company 1300 employees, several million distributors, and many million-dollar revenue days, they are dominating their industry

What is the company called?

The company is called doTERRA, it is an essential oils firm that opened its doors in 2008 with great success because of these simple attributes:

  • doTERRA is stable and reliable opportunity
  • doTERRA is debt free company
  • Unlimited earning potential is so possible with doTERRA
  • doTERRA has a high retention rate of over 65%
  • doTERRA products are not sold in the local supermarket
  • doTERRA reps get 25% off all their products
  • doTERRA offers a free webshop and a Free back office
  • There is No monthly fee
  • The compensation plan is great
  • doTERRA offers online training and support

How do I start a business with doTERRA?

  1. Click here (Technical advice: Mobile devices can have glitches, for best results use the Chrome browser on your PC or Mac computer)
  2. Choose your language and country
  3. Choose your kit (When you purchase a product enrollment the enrollment fee is waived)
    • To purchase the 35$ enrollment, click on the “Individual Products” button and then click on the Bag button on the top right hand side of the page.
  4. Review your order and proceed to checkout
  5. Fill in your details
  6. Choose Wellness Advocate or Wholesale Customer
  7. Enroller ID and Sponsor ID is: 930175
  8. All Wellness Advocate packages includes a free webshop, back office and no monthly fee
  9. Fill in your Shipping details
  10. Pay for your order

In a few minutes you will receive an email welcoming from doTERRA and access to your doTERRA Wellness Advocate Membership.

If you are still seeking more information click on the learn more button below and we will send you a FREE catalog and further information.

If you have been considering jobs where I can work from home then click on the “Learn More” button below. We will send you details asap.


Learning about workplace wellness ideas for a healthier future

Workplace wellness ideas

Factors that affect your fitness health and wellness are called to account when we find ourselves unable to complete simple daily tasks at work or in our daily lives.

Recently, I woke up in the night with such a painful lower back pain that I collapsed, revived later by a paramedic. Now, even though I am in my fifties I feel that I am quite fit and healthy. I attend the local gym two to three times a week and I walk to work. In addition, I try to eat healthily and take a daily dose from the doTERRA Lifelong Vitality Pack.

Yes, I thought, I was doing all the right things. However, still I have become ill from a bad back and other small ailments. So, I decided to go through a checklist in my daily routine to see if I am doing anything that may be of concern in for example my working, social and family life.

  • Walk to and from work (60 minutes a day)
  • Gym 2 to 3 times a week
  • Going for a drink with friends on Fridays
  • Healthy and homemade food
  • doTERRA Lifelong Vitality supplements
  • doTERRA essential oils for ailments
  • Walking the dog twice a day (Longer walks on weekend)
  • I don’t smoke

Everything seemed to be satisfactory apart from a few drinks on a Friday, which I feel the social benefits outweigh the health aspects of drinking. However, what I wasn’t thinking about was my work activities. When I started to look at my daily work life I realized that I was mainly slumped over a computer for most of the day. This position was not helpful in any way and I am sure I was not at my best while sitting in this way.


How to develop wellness activities at work

Amazingly, the solution was quite simple. I purchased a standing table which I realized I also needed to do at home. Also, starting a few daily table workouts during the day has also helped.

In addition to a slight change in my daily wellness plan I also saw that even though I became very ill, because of my past fitness and wellness routine my recovery time was very fast. So, in a short time I was back at the gym and enjoying a normal life as I had before.

Factors that affect your fitness health and wellness are called

Other workplace wellness ideas

Another issue for me in my workplace is the amount of sweet sugary snacks available. I simply try to avoid them by bringing an apple or some other fruit to work. If you have some weight issues also, I would suggest Slim and sassy blend in a bottle of water to reduce cravings.

The reality is having a healthier lifestyle is a matter of being realistic as well as proactive. If you are in your twenties you are of course fit or if you are not you should be. However, once we become forty and onward, we need to step up and stop procrastinating and work on maintaining a healthier routine.

  • Walking rather than going by car
  • Attend a gym or start a sport rather than sitting and watch sports on the television
  • Eating homemade food rather than proceed food
  • Choosing the healthy option rather than sugary donuts

These will not have a massive impact in itself, but it will over time make you feel better and when you are ill, you will have the strength to recover far more quickly than others of your age and situation.


So, next time the factors that affect your fitness, health and wellness are called into question after an illness, think about what you can do for your own well-being. Consider what activities you can modify such as the activities you do at home while promoting better wellness activities at work and in your daily life.

Since becoming a doTERRA Wellness Advocate I have found that creating a healthier lifestyle does not mean completely living a sad and unhappy life of daily workout and tasteless health foods. It simply means making changes that suit you while helping you feel healthier.

If you would like to come on this journey with me and learn more about workplace wellness ideas and healthier living Click on the “Learn More” button blow and consider becoming a doTERRA wholesale customer or better still a Wellness Advocate. Also, you can contact me for more details about anything on this blog.


How to make money from selling essential oils from home

Selling essential oils from home

One question that many people have asked me prior to starting an essential oils home business is, “Can I really make money from essential oils?”

It is not such a stupid question, because no-one would start a job even a freelance job without knowing how much they are expected to earn. My wife is a real estate agent and she understands how her earnings are calculated such as the percentage she will receive from the sale of a property. Also, if there are any extras she will earn on top of the deal.

Of course someone who wants to start an essential oils home business wants to know the full details on how they will make money and if the commission plan really works.


In this article I will constraint on the two questions new essential oils home business owners ask:

  1. Can I make money from selling essential oils?
  2. Essential oils and online marketing

How much money can you make selling essential oils from home?

Firstly, you can start selling directly to the customer. It is a great way to make instant cash simply by buying wholesale and selling at the retail price. This is a concept we all understand. However, there is also another way of selling directly to the customer rather than passing products psychically and that is by using a free web-shop which our company offers to all new distributors. In this case the customer can buy independently or enroll as a wholesale customer and get a 25% discount.

If a distributor is working hard at selling the products in this way he or she can make a good living. The methods often used are by doing party plan, essential oil classes, health and wellness shows, county fairs and so on.

The second way of making money from an essential oils is building your team of distributors and teaching them to do what you do. Many of you are asking, “Who do I speak to who may be interested in running their own essential oils home based business?”


The only real and truthful answer is:

Speak to people you know and people you don’t know.

How do you make that first contact?

It is a different question especially when you are exited about your new business. You feel that everyone will want to make money selling essential oils from their homes. At the same time you already know that not everybody will be as passionate as you are about essential oils and running a home business.

Should I be afraid to talk to people?

There is a definite fear of asking someone to start their own business. You feel that you have a responsibility for them to succeed and make money. However, this is not true. Any success in running a business is your responsibility and no-one else.   So, the starting point is pushing through that wall. If you are exited about what you are doing tell people about it. Tell them how much you enjoy working for yourself. Tell them how much you love using the products. And tell them how much you enjoy the extra money. Once you have expressed yourself a few times, it does become easier. The more you do it and the more success you have and the easier it is to do.

Essential oils and online marketing

There is no easy way of enrolling new distributors at anytime, however the internet has changed a lot of things. In the past a direct sales rep would need to setup meetings and drive all over the place to speak to people. 

I have been personally running my direct sales business online for about 10 years with massive success. The key advantage in my opinion is that while you are marketing online you are available 24 / 7. Nobody can work those sorts of hour in the real world, however, the internet allows us to do so. 

The main criticism I get from other marketers is that I am a specialist. And my answer is “So what”. We all need to learn new skills and running a business online may involve some training. Another criticism is more to do with the fear of the internet itself or the fear of social media. The reality is if you want to work online you need to change your mindset. Social media and the internet are simply a virtual extension of the physical world. So, you need to be as security minded online as you would be in the physical world.

For those interested I have written a complete guide to running a direct sales business online. It is called “Beginners guide to online prospecting in network marketing” by Steven Jackson. 

This eBook is for the total beginner who wants to build a direct sales business online. So, almost anyone will understand the method the eBook is broken down into 14 steps and 27 tasks to empower someone new to direct sells to become successful by having a plan that works.

What tools do you need to work successfully online as an essential oils distributor?

  • Auto-reply system on your website
  • Affordable advertising online
  • Blog marketing
  • Article marketing

If you are already working online.

If you are a child of the internet I would suggest blog marketing or article marketing. It is a great and cheap way to build a team fast. If you are not, it means getting the eBook.

Or chatting to your customers when you do your classes and handing out business cards. It is also a very effective way of building a great sales team and customer base. Both of these methods will create wealth and a very good passive income.


Essential oils home business

What type of essential oils home business marketing method will work for you?

The simple process of selling the products and creating a team is really all there is to it. It just depend how much you are will to learn and what skills you already have. 

Regardless, what method fits you, it is still down to:

  • Sharing the benefits of essential oils
  • Sharing the benefits of running a home business
  • Sharing with other how great your life is since using essential oils and running a home business

For more information about what stores sell essential oils and how to become an essential oils direct sales rep. Click on the “Learn More” button below and we will send you a FREE product catalog asap.


Experience in perfect harmony yoga with essential oils

In perfect harmony yoga

Many yoga practitioners are also wholesale yoga supplies and one of their many products are essential oils for yoga and meditation

The use of essential oils in yoga as a healing tool is considered an entirely new branch of natural medicine. This is because essential oils offer the yoga practitioner an incredible diversity of both practical and esoteric health effects.


Essential oils can be used for healing injuries to muscles, tendons and ligaments. We have also investigated the use of essential oils for immune support, as well as detoxification.

Attending yoga classes regularly during the Winter is so beneficial. However, we are more likely to find ourselves next to someone with a cold. Those with a family will probably have children coming home with the latest thing that’s going around. And as travelling to retreats and workshops becomes more popular, they are bound to need a little immune boost from the stress of travelling.

doTERRA essential oils for yoga

Using a diffuser with doTERRA essential oils for yoga

To get the best out of your yoga session it is highly recommended to use doTERRA essential oils for yoga. doTERRA offers the world’s best, high quality and its aromatic powers.

One method of using doTERRA oils for cold and flu prevention is by inhaling essential oils or applying topically during the session. The most effective method is to have a diffuser running when you start the class to enhance antimicrobial, immune-support.

Run the diffuser on a timer (5-10 minutes every hour) or continuously on its lowest setting, all the hours you and your clients are in the yoga class.

Inhalation essential oils such as eucalyptus have been scientifically validated to support the immune system. The vapour from essential oils have been proven to eradicate microbes both in the air and on surface area.

Applying doTERRA essential oils for yoga topically

Sometimes it is not practical to use a diffuser so it is possible to apply the oils topically. This can be as simple as applying a couple drops on each wrist Then rubbing them together, then on your neck and chest. Do this a few times during the yoga class.

Essential oils are rapidly absorbed through the skin and will be distributed throughout your bloodstream in this way.

Please note: While many people have no problems with using a few drops of  undiluted essential oils, some with more sensitive skin will. In these cases you need to dilute with a carrier oil such as coconut oil.

Out of the many doTERRA essential oils for yoga in use today research and wisdom points to a particular few:

  • Eucalyptus essential oil
  • Lavender essential oil
  • Melissa essential oil
  • Lemon essential oil
  • Frankincense essential oil
  • Aromatouch blend oil

Combining these oils can produce a potent, wonderful smelling synergy of protection from infectious illness. You can use equal parts of all if you like. However, if you find that Melissa is not cost-effective, simply use about 1/10th as much. Even a few drops of oil can help boost the immune system efficacy.

For additional support in doTERRA essential oils for yoga

During your yoga session consider using a little lemon essential oil in your water. Lemon has excellent purifying properties, both for the water and on our bodies. Add 5 or so drops of oil to each large glass of water and drink throughout the class. This can synergies with the other immune supportive practices for a greater overall protection from infectious illness.

Wholesale yoga supplies

Starting a wholesale yoga supplies business also includes essential oils

A big issue during my discussions with many yoga teachers is the low wages and incomes. There doesn’t seem to be enough hours in the day or enough customers willing to pay enough for a comfortable living.

So what is the key to running a successful yoga business?


This means adding value to your already existing business. If you are using essential oil during your classes then sell essential oils after your classes. There is no doubt that if one or more of your clients feel their lives have been enhanced from this service they will tell others. This is because you have offered them a new essential oils experience and one that has made their live better than it was yesterday.

The reality is that running a yoga class needs more than one income stream. This means that creating an additional stream with wholesale yoga supplies at it center as a doTERRA distributor could be the options.

Once you have started using essential oils in your yoga classes clients will want to know where they can get them from. This means offering quality and professional help about the best practices when using essential oils.

There is a lot of information available for those yoga teachers who are looking to diversify into aroma yoga. So consider sharing essential oils with your next class.

Sharing such a great service with your customers that only has a positive outcome in regards to health and wellness. It is also a wonderful way of connecting with others on an emotional level.

For more information about doTERRA essential oils for yoga and becoming a doTERRA consultant click on the “Learn More” button below. We will get back to you asap.


doTERRA slim and sassy results will blow your weight away!

Looking and feeling fit and sexy is something that most of us desire so next time you consider trying to lose weight choose doTERRA slim and sassy oil as a part of your diet plan.

All of us like to see ourselves well-groomed and fit. However, this should not be seen as a vain act even though the physical benefits are seen by all. The health benefits are more important for a sound mind and body.


So, what is a healthy diet?

This is going to be an argument that will continue for some time, because some will argue that a vegan diet is the best and others will say a keto diet is the best.

Finally, I believe that the diet you choose should be the one that allows you to lose weight and feel healthier for it. 

On a personal note, after much research I decided to change my whole life by cutting all the sugar and carbs out of my diet. I only realized later during my research into the fastest way to lose weight that I was on a Keto diet.

At the same time as using slim and sassy supplements I embark on a Keto diet with massive success. I lost over 48 lbs or 20 kg in 6 months. The best thing was that I didn’t feel hungry or craved anything sweet apart from the first week.

For more details about getting a custom keto diet plan click on the button below.  


For some people the dilemma of being overweight starts first in the mind:

I personally believe that nobody really wants to be overweight. What most overweight people really want is to eat what they want and still be slim and sexy.

Everyone who has ever tried to lose weight knows that it is not possible. Some of us, especially women, but also men find it very difficult to lose weight as they get older. This is because our metabolism slows down and instead of reducing the amount of food we eat and being more active. We carry on eating the same way we did when we were younger.

Some of us put on a few pounds while others become very overweight and unhealthy. This is the point in time when a decision needs to be made before it’s too late.

Like anything important in life, action needs to be taken. This action is not just physical, it is also psychological.

This means: 

  • Once the mind is healthy, the slimmer body will automatically follow.
  • Once we start making the right choices regarding food we are empowered to take further action. 

doTERRA slim and sassy results

Why are essential oils important in your weight loss journey?

As already mentioned, a healthier mind will create a body. So, to help and support the journey towards a slimmer you essential oils will help fight stress and lift your mood.

The connection between smell and emotion are thought to be extremely close. Taking a deep breath of pleasant smells triggers positive reactions in the brain, resulting in a sense of well-being and goodness.

We are all very unique.

If the slim and sassy weight loss program works well for one person it doesn’t necessarily mean it will work on the next person. The way the oils are used could also make a difference; one person might benefit more by using slim and sassy oil in the bath, rather than inhalation, massage or burning the oils.

However, the belief that you will lose weight by just using essential oils is not a good way of thinking. Without controlling the food you eat and the activities you are doing, essential oil does little if anything.

What does doTERRA slim and sassy oil do to help someone lose weight?

Slim and sassy main role is to help and support you during your weight loss journey. If you opt for us Slim and Sassy Softgels as apart of your diet program the main benefits are:

  • Promotes healthy metabolism
  • Helps manage hunger cravings
  • Calms your stomach and lifts your mood

As for slim and sassy oil, its main role is to help lift your mood, because we all know that losing weight can be tough.

doTERRA slim and sassy oil


Nobody believes it until it happens , but the more weight we lose the better we feel

The more you feel good, the more you will feel physical well-being. Regularly participating in the slim and sassy weight loss program may help you achieve your weight loss goals. It will also increase your sense of well-being and relaxation knowing that others are going through the same issues.


doTERRA slim and sassy oil review

doTERRA slim and sassy Metabolic Blend is a proprietary formula of test grade essential oils designed to help manage appetite between meals.

Slim and Sassy includes a blend of grapefruit, lemon, peppermint, ginger, and cinnamon essential oils. Just add 8 drops to 16 oz. of water (regular size bottle of water) and drink between your healthy meals throughout the day to help manage hunger, calm your stomach, and lift your mood. For aromatic, topical, and internal use.

  • doTERRA slim and sassy, our proprietary metabolic blend, combines powerful essential oils known to promote a healthy metabolism in a natural way.
  • The flavorful blend of Slim & Sassy helps manage hunger throughout the day while boosting metabolism and promoting a positive mood.
  • doTERRA slim and sassy contains Grapefruit, Lemon, Peppermint, Ginger, and Cinnamon. When taken with a healthy eating and exercise plan
  • doTERRA slim and sassy Metabolic Blend can help you reach your weight management goals.

To get more information about doTERRA slim and sassy results  and join the weight loss program in the future click on the “Learn More” below. For you to be able to purchase any doTERRA oil including slim and sassy weight loss program you need to have a doTERRA membership.