How to start a multi level marketing business

Why choose network marketing if you want to be successful in business? Well, because more millionaires were created in the MLM  industry than in any other.

Learning how to be successful in MLM business industry is no different then finding success in any other industry. To be successful in any business you need persistence and focus. To become a doctor or a lawyer years of schooling is needed, but a successful home business can be created within the first year with consistent action.


How to be successful in MLM business?

It is about finding your motivation and reason for starting any business, it could be simply money or in most cases it is something deeper. However when you have figured out your reason and why you are starting this journey in the first place it will be easier to achieve. The fact is you will need to find your goal to allow you to persevere during the hard times when you really want to give up. Also you will need the determination to face any business challenge at the start and in the future. The key to success in MLM is learning to be successful and believing that you are already a member of the global millionaires club.

How to start a multi level marketing business

5 reasons why people choose to start an MLM business

  1. They want lots of money and the time to spend it
  2. They hate their job and want more from life
  3. They want to travel and see the world on their terms
  4. They want to be with their family rather than working 24/7
  5. They want to enjoy retirement before it is too late

We all have our own reasons for starting an MLM business, but as a bit of advise, do not believe it is about the money. That maybe you first thoughts on the matter, but you will realize quite fast that money is not emotional in regards to motivation someone to do something hard. So, focus on the bigger picture such as family, a personal cause or a life goal.

How to build network marketing business online

How to build network marketing business online

As an addition to this article and because the world is changing so much. I felt that I should mention best places to prospect for network marketing leads and customers. 

If I every mention the internet and network marketing I get screams for the traditionalist telling me that MLM is a relationship business, which it is. However,  “social media and the internet are simply a virtual extension of the physical world” so building relationship has just become a global affair.

Of course, many people that start a home based MLM business start it without any skills or knowledge of running a business or even how to start a network marketing business online. That can be a problem, but I don’t believe that anyone who starts a new career or business is expecting to start with studying the subject. 

The often used quote we hear from many MLM leaders is “earn while you learn”, which again is a great when you think about the process and journey you will be travelling on. However, having a jump start is always a good thing, which motivated me to create a eBook the help kick start the network marketer new to this industry and online marketing.

How to build network marketing business online

Beginners guide to online prospecting in network marketing

The role of this eBook is to lay out a basic plan on how to build network marketing business online. If you are new to MLM your enroller may be using the more traditional methods such as reaching out to family, friends and colleges.

This eBook will simply show you how to grow your MLM business online.

To help the total beginner to build an MLM business online this eBook will take the reader through all the skills and knowledge needed to succeed. The eBook is broken down into 14 steps and 27 tasks with subject ranging from keyword optimization, content writing and building a warm leads list. The final goal of the eBook is to empower someone new to the MLM industry to become successful by having a plan that works.

eBook Preview

Here are some ideas on how to start a multi level marketing business and be successful:

In addition, to the other information I have shared on this page, I believe that is is good to have as many network marketing tips and tricks as possible. 

  1. Find a company that offers good, quality advertising resources such as a website, marketing tools, online meetings and more. You should be able to recruit members without spending a lot of money
  2. Know all there is to know about your company, it’s products and comp plan. Knowledge about your business and company will help you with answering any questions from prospects.
  3. Get help from your sponsor, since it will benefit them if you are successful.
  4. Once you find a good company, put together a plan, set some goals and then keep working your plan until you make progress.
  5. There are many lead sources available, make sure to test any leads before investing a lot of money. Leads are a great way to build your business.
  6. Before joining any company check to make sure they have been around for a while and that they are dependable. Your companies products should be well made and easy to promote.
  7. Avoid wasting your time and cash on advertising that brings in no results. Track your marketing campaigns so you know what is working. If it’s working, then keep it going!
  8. Get a few good people on your team and then help them do the same. The sooner you get your team to understand this technique the quicker your business will grow.

Lastly, if you find something that works, you should show your team how to do it, so you can teach them how to succeed in network marketing today.


Those who can successfully balance their work and family time will find that an MLM business can be very rewarding while also provide a much better lifestyle.

For more information about how to start a multi level marketing business click on the “Learn More” button below and I will send you details of one of the best opportunities around at the moment.


Check my doTERRA price list & save on your medication costs

When doTERRA wholesale prices are so competitive  it is possible for anyone to create their own toxin free pharmacy in their home

Most of us today are merely hoping that our insurance policy will pay for at least some of our medication we receive from the doctor.  However, most of us know how much our prescriptions can cost when we need to pay full price.

Most medicines can be as much as $25, which is the cheapest prescriptions available, however, it can be as high as a hundred dollars or more for some other medications. These sort of costs are simply unsustainable for any family or individual, so having an alternative is vital for survival. 


What does this mean?

It means that in addition to the increase of insurance premiums, you will be paying hundreds of dollars more every time you get sick. Just for a simple sinus infection or bad throat could cost  you $50 or more just for medicine.

I am not sure about you, but I had children and every time one would become ill, everyone would become sick. So multiply one medicine times all your children or worse. Everyone in your household will be paying the price of being sick. This does not take into account of the time off work and the headache of going without sleep because your children are up all night sick.

So what is the answer?

Well, after you have browsed our doTERRA oils list you may understand that you can literally make my own toxic free pharmacy in my home. You can treat nearly any of the simple ailments from my doTERRA oils list. I have not been to the doctor for small ailments for over three years since I started using the oils. The savings have been massive, because therapeutic oils are so strong only a very small amount is needed. 

On the doTERRA wholesale prices list and guide there are recipes to treat 90% of all ailments. I don’t know about you, but there are some wonderful benefits of having a doTERRA oils guide on your shelf:

doTERRA oils list, guide and benefits

  • I am able to stop any sickness from becoming really bad, simply by taking doTERRA oils as soon as symptoms start to show. Therefore, I never feel the full impact of my ailment.
  • Essential oils have no side effects. You can’t overdose on them, and you can take them as often as needed. They will only make you more healthy.
  • The therapeutic grade oils don’t never expire. Once you purchase them, use them whenever you need them, even if it is 10 years later.
  • Therapeutic grade oils are as if not more effective and efficient than anything you will get at your pharmacy.
  • The Essential Oils can penetrate the cell wall enabling them to treat bacterial and viral issues.
  • Therapeutic grade oils are safe for children. If your children get into the medicine cabinet, there is nothing there that will hurt them.
  • They are safe for woman who are pregnant as well, however pregnant women should consultant their doctor before hand.
  • They can replace everything over-the-counter as well as most medications you get from the doctor for a fraction of the cost from our doTERRA oils list. They don’t treat symptoms, they eliminate them.

Download your free doTERRA wholesale prices Guide and get access to the doTERRA shop


doTERRA has growers and distillers across the globe from Oman to Corsica, Sri Lanka to France to create their high quality essential oils. This enables doTERRA to create and develop the most purest and most potent essential oils on the market. This allows doTERRA to meet their strict standards.

Many argue that doTERRA is the best essential oils on the market because doTERRA accepts nothing less from their essential oil products except the best quality.

Only purest materials can work in a truly therapeutic partnership with the body. Using the best quality plant oils will resonate with the body’s own restorative process, while scents from essential oils offers a scientifically proven pathway to emotional and physiological well-being.

doTERRA Essential Oils and related doTERRA products are sold exclusively by distributors through person-to-person sharing, personalized websites, in wellness centers and spas throughout the United States and abroad.

doTERRA wholesale price list for single essential oils

Doterra price list

doTERRA wholesale price list for blended essential oils

Doterra wholesale prices

To purchase products from our doTERRA price list click on the “Learn More” button below and get a free doTERRA oils uses guide and catalog.


Have you seen the new doTERRA Catalog for 2022?

The doTERRA catalog will tell you all about the benefits of doTERRA oils and how they will promote a healthier lifestyle for you and your family today

The catalog regardless if it is paper or on PDF, we all love a catalog. We have the excitement of the new and the familiarity of the what came before. The doTERRA essential oils catalog is no different.

The doTERRA catalog is one of the best ways to find out more about essential oils without actually purchasing them. The guide will take you through the history of doTERRA essential oils and how they have revolutionized the industry. Doing so they created a new and higher standard of quality and purity.


The doTERRA product catalog explains that essential oils can be both a beautiful and powerful part of our lives. While also having the ability to lift the mood, calm the senses, and uplift our emotions. We can almost feel the power of essential oils even before we have them in our hand.

The doTERRA essential oils catalog will explain how essential oils are extracted, via a low-heat steam distillation process. This process circulates steam under pressure through the plant material, transforming the raw material into steam. As the steam mixture cools, the water and oils are separated and the oil is collected in its purest form. This process insures that the oil extracted is the highest quality and clear of impurities and toxins.

doTERRA catalog

The doTERRA catalog as a educational guide

When it comes to learning how to use and share essential oils, the doTERRA product catalog is simply a must-have guide. The catalog is beautifully designed and well written so the reader can understand what makes their oils unique. The catalog is simply a tool to help you teach others as well as yourself how the products are used. There are digital versions available, but having a printed guide on-hand is always a good idea!

If I subscribe to this page what else will I get with the doTERRA essential oils catalog?

I will give you a clear overview of the benefits of become a member and what my role as your enroller. In addition, I have added a doTERRA price list and a product enrollment kit guide so you can get the most for your money.


Below I have created a list of some of the oils available in the doTERRA online catalog

These are the two types of oils doTERRA offers and they are single oils and blended oils. I choose these oils because they are my personal favorites and ones that our family uses all the time. If I had to choose one oils it would have to be On Guard. It has multiple uses from helping with a sore throat to purifying a musty room or area.

Single Oils

Wild orange: Wild orange is cold pressed from the peel and has become one of the most popular and best selling essential oils. Wild orange has an energizing aroma and many health and wellness benefits. Diffusing Wild Orange will energize and uplift the mind and body while purifying the air. It will also enhance any essential oil blend with a fresh, sweet, refreshing aroma.

Peppermint: doTERRA peppermint oil has a high menthol content which sets it apart from others. Frequently used in toothpaste and chewing gum for oral hygiene, Peppermint also helps alleviate occasional stomach upset and promotes healthy respiratory function.

Lavender: doTERRA Lavender oil has been used and cherished for centuries for its unmistakable aroma and myriad benefits. In ancient times, the Egyptians and Romans used Lavender for bathing, relaxation, cooking, and as a perfume. Today, it is widely used for its calming and relaxing qualities which continues to be Lavender’s most notable qualities.

Blended Oils

AromaTouch Massage Blend: AromaTouch, doTERRA’s main massage blend, combines the unique benefits of oils known to provide relaxing and comforting effects. AromaTouch combines cypress, peppermint, marjoram, basil, grapefruit, and lavender essential oils in a perfect blend. This adds many important benefits to various massage techniques that uses AromaTouch. This popular blend is a vital part of the AromaTouch technique, a proprietary method for applying essential oils to produce a profound whole-body wellness experience.

Balance Grounding Blend: The warm, woody aroma of Balance grounding blend creates a sense of calm and well-being. The essential oil blends spruce, ho wood, frankincense, blue tansy, and blue chamomile with fractionated coconut oil. This offers  an enticing fragrance that promotes tranquility and relaxation. Spruce, one of the oils in Balance, was used by Native Americans for health and spiritual reasons and is still used today to bring harmony to the mind and body. Ho Wood, Blue Tansy, and Blue Chamomile can ease anxious feelings, while frankincense provides a grounding, balancing effect on emotions.

On Guard Protective Blend: On Guard, another essential oil blend, provides a natural and effective alternative for immune support when used internally. As one of doTERRA’s best-selling blends, On Guard protects against environmental and seasonal threats with essential oils known for their positive effects on the immune system when ingested. On Guard can be taken internally on a daily basis to maintain healthy immune function and support healthy cardiovascular function.  It can also be used on surfaces throughout the home as a non-toxic cleaner. When diffused, On Guard helps purify the air, and can be very energizing and uplifting.

Find out in the doTERRA online catalog why therapeutic grade essential oils are a innovative standard

Therapeutic Grade essential oils represent the safest and most beneficial oils available in the world today. For an oil to be Therapeutic Grade the oil must be:

  • Pure and natural, with aromatic compounds carefully extracted from plants
  • Free from fillers or artificial ingredients; no dilution of active qualities
  • Free of contaminants, pesticides, or chemical residues
  • Rigorously tested for standards of chemical composition
  • Cross tested using mass spectrometry and gas chromatography to ensure exact purity and composition potency
  • Sourced by a global network of leading essential oil chemists and growers to ensure correct species, growth in ideal environments, and that raw plant materials were carefully harvested at the right time

doTERRA online catalog

How to purchase products from the doTERRA online catalog or become a distributor?

If you just want to buy doTERRA oils at retail click on the doTERRA shop button below. However, I would not recommend it because you are paying the full price. 


My suggestion is decide between wholesale customer, if you just want to buy the products at wholesale. Or the second option,  become a wellness advocate and get all the benefits of being a wholesale customer, but with your own personal webshop.

  1. Click here 
  2. If you live outside the US – Click here
  3. Choose your product kit or click on “Individual products” (Basic enrollment kit is 35$ however if you purchase the product enrollment kit the enrollment fee is waived)
  4. Choose your products (Enrollment kit is already in your shopping bag)
  5. Proceed to checkout
  6. Fill in your details
  7. Select to “Wholesale customer or Wellness Advocate” options
  8. Enroller and Sponsor ID: 930175
  9. Pay for your order

Within a short while you will receive an email from doTERRA confirming your enrollment and then in about 3 days you will receive another email from your Enroller welcoming you to doTERRA.

Note for those countries outside the US: For Countries outside the United States you will be asked to select either “Wellness Advocate or Wholesale customer” before continuing to fill in your details.

Is the doTERRA catalog outside the US different?

Yes, there is a few language alternatives, product name changes for example Breathe in Europe is Air and of course prices in some local currencies. In addition some countries may not have all the US products at the same time as the US. This is because the legal or import requirements have not been completed. Sometimes it takes between 6 months and a year for new products to be available in Europe.

The enrollment price is outside the US is the equivalent to the US. These prices do not include taxes and delivery. The main reason for the prices showing without VAT is because almost every country has a different level of value added tax (VAT) on their products.

  • Enrollment in Europe: 20€
  • Enrollment in the UK: £20
  • Enrollment in Australia: 50$

If you have any question about the doTERRA Catalog, the quality of doTERRA products or becoming a doTERRA Wellness Advocate click on the contact me button below and add your name and email address on the form  and I will get back to you asap…..


Using a MLM lead generation system and get paid to blog daily

As many network marketers have realized, the industry is changing, so I have hammered home to my downline the concept of how to generate leads organically online

Unfortunately, most are stuck in a belief that their close friends are going to support them. Sadly, apart from very rare situations, most of our important partners will come from online platforms.

During a recent podcast I heard a MLM leader tell a new distributor why they should be making warm leads list of everyone they know. I fully understand the reason for the list, but I am not fully convinced that it works anymore.

I believe that the creation of the list contributes to our disappointment and lack of success in network marketing. We just don’t understand why others do not want to join our business. The simple reason is they know you too well and do not respect or trust you enough as a business person. Unfortunately, nobody is a profit in his home town.

The only way to bring the people you love and care about into your business is to prove to them that you are a force to be reckoned with. At that point they will come to you with respect.


Is it possible to do our own lead prospecting online?

The internet has change everything so finding leads online is not just possible it is essential. However taking that journey from understanding what is needed is a challenge for someone new to MLM. Even after long discussions and training some distributors become crushed by the massive responsibility. I have found that most new distributors join and retreat behind silence.  The reason is that starting any business is hard-work, but for some reason nobody believes it until its too late.

The main key is to always reach out to your enroller and internalize the information and take everyday as a learning experience.

My role as a leader when generating leads for network marketing

As a leader it is vital that everyone in my team is offered all my knowledge and experience to help them to be successful. That includes getting my team to understand that leads are an important part of advancing their business. Unfortunately, most have no plans to market their business beyond their social circle. However, enough ask for help and support and for those I give 110% to helping them create a warm leads list using online methods. As a part of the support program, I have published an eBook that allows anyone new to online marketing of their MLM business a plan and knowledge to succeed. Check out the details below.

MLM lead generation

Beginners guide to online prospecting in network marketing | May 2021

The role of this eBook is to lay out a basic plan for running a MLM business online and learn how to generate leads organically. This type of method is so much better than using the more traditional methods such as reaching out to family, friends and colleges.

To help the total beginner to build an MLM business and generate leads online this eBook will take the reader through all the skills and knowledge needed to succeed. The eBook is broken down into 14 steps and 27 tasks with subject ranging from keyword optimization, content writing and lead generation. The final goal of the eBook is to empower someone new to the MLM industry to become successful by having a plan that works.

For anyone who is in any of my main businesses will get 50% off the retail price. Also, if you refer a friend or share the purchasing page on Facebook the customer will get 25% off the purchase price.


What is a warm leads list and how will it benefit my business?

An MLM warm lead is an individual that you believe will be profitable to your business. This could be from retail sales or by joining your MLM business. When somebody joins us, our hopes are that they will build a business themselves and we benefit from their actions. We can identify and enroll a network marketing lead via networking, social media, marketing or another method. Another important factor is to determine the level of interest they have in our business or product.

Four steps in qualifying a lead or prospect

A quality lead needs to qualify which means that they should have the motivation, skills and knowledge to be apart of your team. Wasting time and energy on people who do not qualify can be a hard work and frustrating.

Below I have created my qualifying questions that has help me identify who should join my team:

  1. Do they need or want my products or want extra money? The answer should be YES!
  2. Are they interested in getting the products for free? The answer should be YES!
  3. Are they interested in subsidizing their income? The answer should be YES!
  4. Are they interested in a full-time income from home? The answer should be YES!

Understanding how someone is going to subscribe to your list in the first place is the key. Let’s consider blogging or landing page marketing and the topics we use:

Who would want to buy your products or join your business?

Someone searching the internet for welding standards and methods are unlikely to find your article or subscribe to a blog on online marketing or essential oils. This means the people that do subscribe are somewhat qualified and more likely to be interested in your offer.

Solution based lead prospecting

Prospects are looking for one thing and that is a solution to a problem. They need extra money, some essential oils or they may be interested in the time freedom element of running a business. Whatever it is my online method of sharing will be the solution to your problem.

When prospects find your page, they will also find a solution available to them. This will create trust and the relationship can begin. We are more likely to get a sale or a business partnership with a prospect that trusts and believes in what we stand for. When someone embarks on a new venture they want the relationships to be honest and safe. So, consider how your prospect feels and try to accommodate them in the process.   

Get paid to blog daily

How to generate leads organically for your network marketing business online

The organic aspect of working online is the part I enjoy the most. It is because the automated process is complete free. The goal is to get paid to blog daily and to share content via social media platforms. Below there is a list of my ideas for building a list online.

Using social media for more network marketing leads

LinkedIn is my personal social media favorite, because network marketing pros use it as their own personal warm leads service. The main reason is because most people on LinkedIn are high value prospects. Prospects on LinkedIn are highly valued because they are educated, motivated, business minded, professional and confident of who they are and what they want. 

For more details on how to create a high quality and professional LinkedIn profile – Click here

How to increase your warm leads list via blog sites?

I have been blogging for years with great success. I have tried to bring more of my team into blogging, however they look at me as though I have asked them to walk naked up the high street. The main benefit for the blogger is that we are always marketing our business. The blogger is taken action and sharing with the world their business and products 24 / 7. 

The content on your blog should answer the prospects questions and give them solutions. So, keep it simple and very readable such as a guide to something or a top ten ideas. 

Reconnect with your informal network to create a lead prospecting machine

Building a business with family and friends can get stressful and frankly unnecessary. I would suggest reaching out to your informal friends. Informal friends may come from your yoga or Pilates class, old work friends, or even a tradesman you regularly visit. Whatever your relationship is, this is a power lead generating machine in the making. It is all about making that connection in your informal relationships and branding yourself as an authority, so take advantage of this powerful group.

MLM lead generation at networking events

Last year I received an invitation to a local networking event. As you can imagine as an online marketer, I was not accustomed to live events. However, I decided to go and found that it was a unique and interesting experience.

I was there to find new business partners and ended up with a massive warm leads list. I personally found beyond the classic business card, connecting on LinkedIn worked well especially with business women.

I do networking event once every few months. However, as a serious note, the fortune is in the follow up.  So, if your do not achieve results you want the first time try again.

How to generate leads organically

How to generate leads organically and get paid to write articles at home?

Network marketers should be blogging,  because they are telling their story to the world 24 / 7. The reality is that no individual network marketer can achieve such a massive reach. In my option,  society is ready and far more accustomed to building relationship online than they ever have before.

The blog topics are limitless, but whatever subject you decide on, get writing and sharing on social media platforms. Another method which is really effective is sharing your content on your newsletter platform to your existing warm leads list. If you are offering solutions to existing issues, your prospects will see you as a trusted authority that offers welcomed solutions to their problems.

The blog should reflect your authority and knowledge of the topic while being valued and interesting to the reader.  I offer online SEO, article and blog marketing  training for my team with the goal to help them get paid to blog daily.

Using live chat and WhatsApp for lead prospecting and mentoring

When I started using WhatsApp my relationship with my prospects changed. The best when to reach out to prospects is to add a WhatsApp link on your blog or landing page. This gives the reader the opportunity to reach out to you straight away.

Once a prospect reaches out to you via WhatsApp, ask for their email address add then to you newsletter list and send them information about your business.

This is when the follow up emails are so important and powerful that in some cases it has been over 12 months before someone has finally joined my business or purchased my products.


Why is MLM lead generation so important for your success?

In a recent webinar I was shocked to hear that people are still not understanding that a continue flow of leads are the key to their success. Chasing individuals around town with a belief that one-day they join your business is unworkable. If you believe that a friend will join your business, add them to your newsletter list and get on with more important work.

In the end whatever system you use it must include a flow of warm and targeted leads and a follow up process. At the end of the day your goal is to sale your products, enroll people into your business while you get paid to blog daily.

Would you like more details on how to generate leads organically online?

The best way to learn more about how to generate leads organically is to become a team member in my business. Anyone building a business with me will receive free training and support in using my online lead prospecting methods.

However, I would like to make it clear from the start, that working online in MLM is no less easy than running a MLM business the traditional way. The main benefits of blogging is that once your content is online you are telling your story 24 / 7 globally while enrolling and selling automatically, which is very power. You then are in the position to get paid to blog daily via the commissions you receive from the company you are working with.

So, for more secrets about MLM lead generation and working with one of the top companies in the world today. Click on the “Learn More” button below and add your email address on the form and I will get back to you asap.


Is there a easy business to start for little money?

There are many things to do at home to make money, but most people argue that they do not have the time or energy, but for those of you who want more read on.

There is some fundamental truths that most of us go through before we really commit to making money on the internet and starting on the journey of becoming an entrepreneur. Even the word entrepreneur is difficult for many of us to acknowledge as something we could aspire to. It personally took me some years of soul searching and failures before I begun to realize that I was an entrepreneur and not someone who simply worked from home and online.

The path to personal and financial success is not the easiest road to travel even if it is one of the easiest ways to make money online and become self employed. Nevertheless, the victory is sweet when we achieve the results we want and become self sufficient to that level where we can work less and earn more.


If there is a easy business to start out there, what are the pitfalls?    

Those reading this page are likely pondering the idea of starting a business, but as usual we have jumped before we have thought things through.

Fortunately, most of the best small businesses to start have taken this into account, understanding that starting a business is a big deal, so help and support is at hand. However, the likelihood is that there is three factors that needs to be considered before signing up for anything new.  

Easy business to start

The three things that are holding you back from starting a business:

Time management

The day is filled with distractions. You want to get things done but something is getting in the way. At the end of the day you have no time for your family, your friend or even yourself. And most of all, you have forgotten why you started running a business in the first place. Time management will define your business, because stuff needs to get done and so planning your day is vital to avoid internet click and believing it is work.

  1. Define what you need to do
  2. Create a plan on how you are going to achieve it
  3. Then commit to the project until completion  

Skills and Knowledge

So, you tell yourself that you know what you are doing, but suddenly you realize you really don’t. Not knowing how to do something is very frustrating, why isn’t it simple? Well, everything is when you know how. I am guessing, but maybe that is why we are impressed with individuals that can do things that we cannot do, like watch a bricklayer building a wall in our garden. They build it effortlessly, with a style that we say to ourselves, I could never do that. Making money from home is just the same. So, before starting a home business consider what you will need to learn and if you are going to be self taught remember you will be swapping time for money until you have the knowledge needed. The best way to learn fast is to find a mentor that will help you achieve the goals you are going to give yourself.  

The fear of failure

This may discourage some and not others, but failure is inevitable. You are going to need to accept the possibility of failure and ridicule, as Eloise Ristad said, “When we give ourselves permission to fail, we, at the same time, give ourselves permission to excel”. The alternative is staying still, not trying anything and then finally dying after achieving nothing in life, which for some may sound fine. However, I am sure there is many saying, “I really want more, but I am truly afraid where it will take me” and so be afraid, this will not be apart of your happy comfort zone because you will walking into the unknown.

How do I find success from online careers from home?

I like to call it a journey because this will be no destination and the road will be least traveled. However, a plan will still be needed to allow you to break free from the burden that will come from the financial stresses, the exchanging of time for money and the fear that when things are going well something will stop you in your tracks.

When I talk about an easy business to start, the keyword is “Start”. Finding an easy online business to start from almost nothing is very possible. However, don’t believe that starting a business is big cars, a flashy lifestyle and large international investments. Furthermore, this is not a 9 to 5 job where you will get less than you are worth from day one.

Below we are offering a guide for an online careers from home, which gives you the platform to excel in the online business world with no experience needed and yes, it is a very easy business to start.


We will take you through even stage of making money from home or online and create a passive income where overtime you will work less and earn more. So, we will take you through the steps to starting a small business from home and build your business without fear of failure and for the world to see.

Why would I want to start careers that allow you to work from home?

Personally, it is about freedom. Not really the freedom to do what the hell you want, because then you would not earn a penny. Freedom is about working when you need to and enjoying life because you can afford to, like taking your partner away for a last minute trip to where ever you want.

The main reason why people find it difficult to start a business from home:

  • They don’t believe they are entrepreneurs
  • They don’t believe they have the strength to handle the risk of running a home and online business

These believes are completely fine, so, own the fear and do it anyway and never stop trying to find online things to do at home to make money. In my opinion, fear and doubt is a good thing, it is apart of our survival system, but ask yourself how badly can failure be? If death is zero and total success is ten, where does failure fall, maybe five or six, so not bad, you are not dead yet.  

What can I do to make money from home

What can I do to make money from home and online?

There is many thing you can do from home and online to make money, but we do have something to offer you. We cannot say that this is the right business for you. We are not sure if you have the skills to pull it off or willing to learn the skills. We cannot even tell you if you will fail.

However, one thing we can guarantee, achieving anything in life or business entails taken action, because even in the safest environment, relationships and employment failure still acute. Anything from natural disasters, to divorce and even you life long job becoming obsolete. Who is to know what the future bring.   

Most people try to push these things to the back of our minds believing that everything will be fine and convince themselves that they have no regrets.


How can I avoid regrets?

I would suggest that we start small and build on your confidence and take control of your time and money, so start small and think big. However, as a final word, this is not a get rich quick business, work is required and in fact a lot of hard work, but also a profitable business that will give you the freedom we all want.

If you want more information about what can I do to make money from home click on the button below and add your name and email address in the form and we will get back to you asap…..


How to open your own business as a online advertising marketer

The most successful home based businesses available today is in the essential oils industry which over the last ten years has been trending higher than the other home business

Online advertising and marketing is one of the most effective ways for a home business to expand its reach, find new customers, and diversify their revenue streams. So, merging the home based business model with online advertising is the logical development of expanding their business for the online advertising marketer.

However, the reasons for building a online business from home varies from person to person. It may be children, an elderly parent or a disability, it maybe as simple as financial. Regardless for your reason we still need to feel that we are making an income, contributing to society and the household finances.


What choice does the online advertising marketer have?

One option is to find some kind of home employment opportunity or business that will allow you to integrate your home life into your working life. This is not always easy but with some forethought and planning it is very possible to create a good income from home and online. However, when people come to me for the first time considering self employment, I tell them to ask themselves one very important question:

“Should I start my own business from home?”

I mean really think about it. Do you have the time? The motivation and the support to start such a journey as running a business?

Advice for starting a small business  as a online advertising marketer?

The key to becoming a successful online advertising marketer and home business owner needs is the same skills and mindset as any other business. As a home business owner you can learn while you earn, because you will not need to invest large amounts of money as you would in a bricks and mortar model. The home business model will give you time to plan and learn considering you have minimal business costs and outgoing from day one.

Below, there is a list of skills you will need to acquire to be proficient in this industry:

Financial management skills: Managing your finances is one of the most important aspects of running a business. This means monitoring profit and loss as well as the ability of being able to forecast your cash flow and sales as needed. This is not just for you, but for the tax office when you declare your expenditure and  income.

If your home finances are sound the likelihood your business finances will be the same and your business overall will be more profitable. I personally avoid conventions or conferences where I can see no profit unless there is great networking opportunity, so keep a strict fiscal policy in your business.

Marketing, sales and customer service skills: Learning how to create an effective marketing strategy via the internet, social media and in person to generate sales is a vital element to keeping ahead of the competition and being successful.

Again, I personally use ever trick in the book, from landing pages, blogs, content marketing, social media marketing and of course a auto mailing service so I have always available, if not in person.

Communication skills: Learning how to communicate with others regardless if in person or via other online methods will help build trust and a good working relationship with anyone in contact with your business.  Being an effective writer and speaker will reflect your personal brand and image. Furthermore, written, audio, visual and video content if created to a high standard work for you for many years 24/7.

Leadership skills: Learning to be a leader seems to be difficult for many of us. If you have a sales team like many home based business have learn how to motivate them. It is a vital aspect of your business. A good leader will influence, mentor and coach their team to get the best out of them and improve productivity and earnings for both you and your team.

Planning skills: It is shocking how many people do not believe in planning anything in their business by using expression such as, “I want my business to develop organically” meaning “No plan and lets wing it”. Now this is great for a night out on the town, but business needs a plan, such as setting up a website, arranging meetings with prospects and customers, effectively using your time, and finally most effectively using your money you have invested. Without a plan the day will get away from you and nothing will get done, so learning to make a plan and set achievable goals is the key.

Responsibility and time management skills: Learning to allow your team to take responsibility rather than trying to do everything for them should be your mantra. This method will create a better time management system delegating responsibility to someone else in the business. The key is to identify team members that you feel would like to do more and even earn more by offering more responsibility.

Solving problems: Personally, I plan for everything and still problem solving is needed. It may be website issues, customer complaints, product returns and even personality issues with team members. Whatever it may be you need to be able to make good decisions and sometimes under pressure. I have found the best method is to take each problem at a time and resolve it. Looking at everything is just overwhelming, so priorities and work on the biggest problem first without considering the others until the first task is completed.

Networking and building relationships: Business is finally about people and the relationships we have with them. We don’t need to like everyone and not everyone is going to like us, but in business we need to have a relationship. So, creating a good relationships through networking will help your business grow. In addition, relationships will allow you to learn new methods and develop ideas with other in a similar industry that may be integrated into your business.

Please don’t believe that you need all of these skills from day one, this is just our step by step business startup guide. This will take you through the process of what will be expected of anyone embarking on this journey.

How to open your own business


What is the most successful home based businesses available today?

If you are on a budget and you can’t see yourself getting a loan to start your own business, there are still have a few options such as a low cost startup business, but the rules above still apply.

The main issue for people wanting to start a low cost business is that the low investment impedes the financial motivation. Having a large loan and the process needed to gain it such as appointment in the bank, a business plan and a cost assessment is a powerful influence. The fact is this process is a massive motivator, so when starting a low cost startup a different mindset is needed to impact and motivate the passion needed to succeed.

The steps to starting your own business online and from home

Anyone starting a business should recognize that “work in required” and also the investment of time and some money. The main fundamentals steps to starting a business and being successful goes something like this:

  1. Take Action: By going through the fundamentals of starting a business. Be sure that everyone in your family understands what you have planned and that you may need time to achieve success.
  2. Setting goals: By deciding and write down what your short and long term goals are and what you want to achieve as a business owner and entrepreneur. These are very personal, dig deep and reflex of what you really desire from this process, but as a tip, look beyond money to what you want to do with it.
  3. Make a plan: By writing down how you intend achieving your said goals it makes the whole experience concrete. Deciding what you intend to do and how long it will take in a daily, weekly and monthly plan.
  4. Work everyday until success: Of course weekends are free for family and friends, but finding time to work on your business everyday is crucial if you want real success. Whatever, you intend to earmark make it count. So, if you can work two hours a day, commit to it and make them two hour count.

Online advertising marketer

The best low cost and most successful home based businesses available today is:

  • Niche and High Quality Product – Click here for product guide
  • A product your customer need and value and would purchase on a monthly basis
  • Low cost turnkey business package with no monthly fee
  • Free webshop and back office
  • Global reach
  • Unlimited earning potential
  • Sustainable compensation plan
  • Free one on one training and support

Learn how to open your own business as a online advertising marketer from home

There are hundreds of profitable work from home businesses available online but one I would suggest is a high end essential oils company which provide the customer with an outstanding product which a retention rate of 68%.

The startup fee is so low that anyone can afford to get started today, so for more information about being an online advertising marketer click on the “Learn More” button below and add your name and email address on the form below and we will get back to you asap….


How to open a business in UK economy recession?

Since the UK left the EU in 2020 the British economy has flat-lined and so we all know that money and resources are going to be tight and a UK economy recession is on its way

If we look at the reality of the global economy, we know in our hearts that every so on there will be a UK recession. Sometimes we handy it well, if we have a responsible government in power. Other times everything that can go wrong will go wrong and we feel that the endless decline will never end.

Some of us learn from our mistakes and decide to save money for a rainy day, but that is not always possible. We may be living from hand to month and consider saving as a luxury we can ill afford. This page was created with the UK economy recession in mind and tools and resources that may help you weather the storm.


How to get ready for the biggest UK economy recession in modern history?

Here are my three key suggestions to consider when you are preparing for a recession within a UK economy. So, this means that even if you are short on resources and your income in too low for comfort there is still a few things you can do to keep yourself solvent.

This does not mean everything is going to be fine, because frankly it will not be fine. When the work dries up life is going to get hard and its going to hurt big time. However the three suggestions I have personally implemented for some years and during a previous economy recession are:

  1. Focusing on what you can control
  2. Reduce or discontinue services
  3. Work from home and create a second income stream

UK economy recession

The three key suggestions for a UK economy recession is:

Focus on what you can control in a UK economy recession

This is something I learnt sometime ago. It changed everything for me when I realised that I could only control my input, but I could not control the outcome.

In other words, you can control your actions, but not the results.

So, knowing and understanding what things in your life you can control and what you can’t is an empowering felling. Also, it is going to be one of those difficult conversation that needs to be done with a partner and family as a whole. Finally, it will come down to the contexts of your family and personal situations. However, something will need to be done regardless how painful it will be and you are in control of that action.

The best starting point is to site down with all the family and explain the financial situation. Then explain that things could be tight and money could be short in the future. If everyone is fully understanding the situation it is more likely that everyone in the family will pull in the same direction. This will also be the prefect time to set a good example to your children on fiscal responsibility in the family where everyone chips in when there is a crises.

How to reduce your outgoings in a UK economy recession

I know this goes without saying but, cutting costs is a must. It simply means looking at what you are paying for and deciding if you need it or not. Some costs maybe reduced and others maybe discontinued, but whatever you decide outgoings will need to come down.

The best way to reduce household costs is by creating a needed, needed but can be reduced and  unnecessary list. The best way to balance the books is to calculate your worse case scenario in regards to your income. Then balance the costs until you have enough to pay all the bills with your income with a little to spare. The fact is we should be doing this anyway, but we always spend more than we earn.

As they say, if your earn £30000 a year and spend £30500 you will be a unhappy person, but if you earn £30000 a year and spend £29500 you will be a happy person. So, the household policy should always be about keeping the costs down.

Below there is some suggestions that may help you reduce you costs:

  •  If you don’t need it, don’t buy it
  • Do not go to the sales
  • Do not get more credit cards
  • Consider carpooling, using a bicycle or walking to work when possible
  • Get a lodger or have a room open to short term rentals
  • Relocate to cheaper area if possible
  • Stop eating out
  • Stop buying processed food
  • Do home cooking from scratch
  • Buy food wholesale and from farm shops
  • Cancel the paid channels
  • Find a cheap power, gas or water company if possible
  • Buy second hand clothes
  • Stop buying crap

This is just a short list but there is many other ways to reduce your monthly outgoings so think out of the box.

Work from home in the United Kingdom

Making a additional income stream and work from home in the United Kingdom

One of the first priorities is to keep your job or if you lose your job have another income stream to fall back on. Of course your main goal should be to keep the employment position you already have. If however you do not have a recession proof job that is still vital during an economic downturn, a second income could be a advisable.  The industries that are under threat during a  recession are unskilled workers and unnecessary expense jobs such as holiday rep, car dealerships and construction.

If you feel that your industry is under threat from a recession, firstly update and review your CV, research employment opportunities and consider training and education.

Next stage should be to increase your monthly income by creating a separate income streams. This can be a second job, some kind of passive income, online jobs from home or starting a business from home. This should not be a individual effort, but a family business where everyone can take some kind of responsibility. For example, if the business can be marketed via a party plan concept as well as online the sharing of respectability is really possible. When a family can work from home together they are a powerful force.


If you can earn an additional £500 or even £1500 a month it will create a softer fall for any redundancy or company closer in the future. In addition, during the process of running a home business you would have learnt new skills that may help you in the future.

If you feel that setting up a business and creating a second income stream is for you. The same fiscal policy should be subscribe. This means keeping your business outgoings to the minimum so your income is at its maximum.

The cheapest and most affordable way to make money from home is the home based or direct sales business model. This type of business allow you to work part-time, choose your own hours and in a way stop you from spending money on other activities which will only cost you more.

It is possible to work from home in the United Kingdom for as little as £20 which at today’s prices is not even a night at the local pub.  For those of you who have the time and energy and want to know how to work online from home and get paid, I have added details below so you know what is possible and available.

How to open a business in UK

What are the benefits and how to open a business in UK with a £20 home business startup?

  • You can start as a sole trader
  • A legitimate, well run company
  • The opportunity to earn a great income
  • 25% off retail price of all the products – Click here to download the product catalogue and guide
  • No monthly fee
  • Receive commissions on sales
  • Free one on one and online training
  • Free help and support
  • Free webshop and back office
  • Unlimited earning penitential


Why should you work from home in the United Kingdom during a recession?

Overcoming the stresses and strains of a UK economy recession is going to be the making of some of you and the breaking of others. It is possible that everything we relied on in the past will vanish and be replace with fear and uncertainly. Like many others, I have already embark on creating a second, third and fourth income stream even when I was still working for the man.

In the beginning I was treating my work from home business as a hobby and an enjoyable pastime. This was until I realised that I could work from home in the United Kingdom and make some real money.  At the start I was paying for our holidays, then a new car and then thinking I could stop my job and run my business full-time.

This is the opportunity for the reader to reassess their lives and make a change before a rerun of other UK recessions come to hunt us. However, like anything in life, action needs to be taken to control what can be controlled, reduce expenditure and create an addition income stream when you work from home in the United Kingdom.   For more information click on the “Learn More” button below and add your name and email address on the form below and we will get back to you asap.


Welcome to the UK doTERRA Guide and my doTERRA story

My name is Steve Jackson, I am a Wellness Advocate and this is my doTERRA story that took me from obscurity to success

I was born in a city in the south of England called Southampton. I recall having an enjoyable upbringing with my mother, father and a younger brother. I had a relatively normal life. I was terrible at school, but managed to get an apprenticeship that kept me in warm socks. The word I would use for my early years would be “content”.


How I found network marketing

I have been in the network marketing industry for many years, however, it wasn’t something I planned or even considered. It was only when my wife was looking for a home business when she was pregnant I took interest. Apart from her increased income, my biggest shock was how her persona and confidence changed over that period. I can remember being annoyed at her newly found independence. However,  I realised later the positive influence it had on our personal relationship. 

She continued to be successful in her business for some years while she cared for our daughter. In retrospect she was using her business as an outlet where she could be more than just a housewife and mother.

The point of this story is that this was the time I began to understand the power of network marketing. I realised that personal development was the core to her success and would be the core of mine. 

Since then, I have become an entrepreneur, network marketer, online marketer eBook author and podcaster. I feel it ticks all the boxes for my wife and I and gives us the financial freedom and the global independence we have always desired. This means we can choose where and how we live our lives as long as there is a internet connection. 


Why doTERRA and how my doTERRA journey begun?

Unlike most people who join doTERRA, I was a man and I was not really looking for an essential oils business. However, I was looking for a home business or network marketing business. I ran a few network marketing businesses in the past with modest success and felt a change was needed. My wife had been talking about essential oils so it was in my mind to find an essential oil business to satisfy both our needs. 

There were a few companies offering high quality essential oils, but after long consideration I opted for doTERRA. The process of choosing the right company was simply down to a few factors that were important to me at the time such as:

  • Free webshop and back office
  • The product reviews were outstanding
  • The start up cost was low
  • Relatively new company
  • Outstanding potential growth
  • High income very possible
  • Could be run from anywhere in the world

Their doTERRA guide broke everything down into simple bites of information, so even someone like me could understand. I have laid it out below for the readers convenience:

Wholesale Customer

  • Product Discounts: 25% off retail prices
  • Loyalty Reward Points: Option to receive 10–30% of orders back in points redeemable for free product
  • Free Product: Place a monthly order over 125 PV and receive the free product of the month


Wellness Advocate

  • Product Discounts: 25% off retail prices
  • Loyalty Reward Points: Option to receive 10–30% of orders back in points redeemable for free product
  • Free Product: Place a monthly order over 125 PV and receive the free product of the month
  • Personal Website: Receive a personal website that can be used if you would like to share essential oils with others
  • Bonuses and Compensation: doTERRA provides a business opportunity for those interested in creating an income


Get your free doTERRA product Guide click on the download button below

If you would like find out what all the fuss is about download our free doTERRA catalogue. Just click on the download button below and browse through the best quality essential oils and related products available in the UK today. For more detailed information and a personal response add your name, email address and short massage on the form at the bottom of the page.


Learning to be a doTERRA wellness advocate

In the early days I was a bit worried that I would not have enough knowledge to share the essential oils with my customers. I soon learnt that I did not need to be an essential oils expert to make money from doTERRA. That didn’t mean I did not need to learn anything, because the core to success is about personal development and learning new skills.

As the years went on and I learnt more about doTERRA I found that achieving goals were far easier than I first imagined. This is not to say that it was easy, because anything worth having is not easy.

The methods and mindset for being successful comes in many formats. The most fundamental key to success as a doTERRA wellness advocate is taken action. Without taken action, nothing will happen and if nothing happens, success is unlikely.

Today I have achieved my goals and much more with my globally developing team. They are successful because they are passionate and motivated leaders and distributors. They are building teams in the US, Canada, Europe, Australia and South Africa and are on the journey of a lifetime while building a sustainable business.

doTERRA wellness advocate

Why become a doTERRA wellness advocate?

I found that I really enjoy helping people become successful. The excitement when someone tells me about getting their first cash amount go into their bank account never gets boring.  Why wouldn’t someone want to help people to be successful. All over the world I see positive changes in my doTERRA teams lives.  And everyday they achieve their goals, make extra money and gain more personal freedom than they have ever had before.

However, before success knocked on my door, I recall, there was a time when things were so bad that I was sitting on the floor of my apartment with nothing but a single lamp and an old TV, eating roast chicken out of a bag.

It is easy to look back with nostalgia and say it was a learning experience. However, at the same time it has been ever the sweeter to succeed under my own stream. Sometimes we need a place and time to reflect on what we really want from life and fortunately becoming a doTERRA wellness advocate fitted that position.


The doTERRA Guide to the UK

Below I have laid out the main questions that I get asked about doTERRA

What is doTERRA?

doTERRA is a essential oils company founded in 2008 in the US and shortly afterward arrived in the UK. They offers a range of therapeutic grade essential oils and related health and wellness products.

Why buy doTERRA oils and products?

doTERRA is the best place to buy essential oils, UK wellness advocates are known for giving the best service when offering their knowledge and information about the best oils for you.

Where does doTERRA operate?

Apart from the United Kingdom, doTERRA has already a strong presence in North America, Europe, Oceania, Latin America, Asia and recently in South Africa. doTERRA has been trending globally, hence has become one of the best business opportunity for new consultants.

What is my competition?

doTERRA is big in the health and wellness industry in the UK and globally. In my opinion, their is nothing to compare with their business plan and the product quality offered by doTERRA .

There are only a few other companies doing as well, however the doTERRA wellness advocate seems to have a much more sustainable business model that allows them to work for just a few hours a week.

The doTERRA Guide to your £20 enrollment package

The reason I have added this list to my page is because of the amount of people who ask me what they get for their £20.

  • A confident and growing company that wont let you down
  • A debt free company without outstanding loans
  • Unlimited earning potential
  • A high retention rate of over 65% which is one of the highest in the industry (This means the amount return and loyal customers)
  • 25% off retail on all doTERRA Products
  • Get vastly reduced prices on doTERRA kits
  • Free doTERRA store and a free back office
  • No monthly fee
  • For the doTERRA wellness advocate bonuses and commissions
  • Help and support from an experience leader

doTERRA guide

How to join doTERRA?

  1. Click here
  2. Choose your country and language
  3. Select “Wellness Advocate or Wholesale customer” options
  4. Put your enrollment details in the form
  5. Enroller and Sponsor ID: 930175
  6. Choose your enrollment package (Basic enrollment kit is £20 however if you purchase the product enrollment kit the enrollment fee is waived)
  7. Pay for the enrollment

Within a short while you will receive an email from doTERRA confirming your enrollment. Then in about 3 days you will receive another email from your enroller welcoming you to doTERRA and offering training and support.

If you have any question about becoming a doTERRA wellness advocate or anything else add your name, email address and short message on the form below and I will get back to you asap…..

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How to create a mindset to success in your MLM business

As I remember, before I had a network marketing mindset, it was massively frustrating to work hard at building my business

We have all been there and somehow at one point in our network marketing careers or in this case my doTERRA careers, we suddenly realize, “What am I doing wrong?”


There is lots of the information available in books and online explaining how to run a MLM business and in must cases the training is great, however they often forget to mention the most important factor that makes one person successful and someone else not.

There are a few books that are worth a reading but one worth considering is “The slight Edge” by Jeff Olson that explains:

The truth is, what you do matters. What you do today matters. What you do every day matters. Successful people just do the things that seem to make no difference in the act of doing them and they do them over and over and over until the compound effect kicks in.

Jeff Olson, The Slight Edge

So, doing what others can’t or won’t do is the key element towards success and then being consistent until the result has been achieved.

Mindset to success

Why do we need a network marketing mindset?

Think about for a few minutes the excitement of starting a business and all the possibilities that comes with it. It is great for the first few months until reality slowly starts to dawn on you:

  • The enroller and sponsors are supportive and knowledgeable
  • The network marketing company is well run and their products are just the best
  • And, you really want to be a successful network marketer or a successful business person

However, why is your business not moving forward?

  1. Firstly, ask yourself, “Do I have the right mindset to success for network marketing?”
  2. If not, why not?
  3. And how can I get it?

What does it take to run a network marketing business?

Running a network marketing business is like running a marathon, which most runners and athletes will understand is 90% mental and 10% physical.

Everyday you work on your business, putting one foot in front of the other, but your mental strength will be the thing that pushes you forward when you feel you cannot continue.

Many years ago I watch a dear friend of mine during a bad time in his life after himself becoming a successful network marketer and then losing it all. He sat in a small apartment eating cold beans out of a can and within a year become successful in a network marketer for the second time from almost nothing.

When I asked him, “how he managed to become successful while others were not even though your life was a mess?” He told me, “Even though things were bad, people in my life still needed me, so I needed to change my attitude, become self-motivated, have desire and discipline to make this business work.”

After pondering his answer for many years I put it down to his own mindset to success and turning a bad situation into good. People needed him so he needed to step up and get his shit together. Over the years we get together for a chat and over that time I begun to understand some of the key points that made him successful. So, below I have shared them with you.

Network marketing mindset

The 5 keys to develop a mindset to success

    • Socialize with successful people:
      • Consider this, if you socialize with people who are going nowhere guess who else is going nowhere. Find people who inspire you to become more that you are and gain that success you have always desired.
      • Now, ask yourself if the people you surround yourself with lift you up or cause you to doubt yourself.
      • If they bring you down, what will you do about that?
    • Never stop learning something new:
      • Learning is about developing new skills which will help one succeed in the MLM industry
      • All network marketer regardless how long they have been in the industry need to home new skills to keep on top of their game.
      • Learning helps the network marketer to become a more interesting person, hence an interesting person to be involved with.
      • These new skills will give you the knowledge to become a leader with a vision and the mindset for success
      • As you develop, your mind grows and adjusts accordingly giving you the confidence to interact with prospects interested in your business
    • There is no such this as “can’t”:
      • Nobody has succeeded in anything when they started the conversation with, “can’t”
      • I have spoken with many people that said they really wanted to be successful in MLM, but they would start by saying: I can’t talk to people about my business, I can’t do sales and I can’t find the time
      • Beginning a dialogue with yourself that starts with “can’t” means you have predetermined your chances of success with failure.
      • Limiting what you do in life by saying “I can’t” is counter productive and the death of personal and business success
      • Refer to limited beliefs and the fixed mindset vs. growth mindset argument
    • Build a support system:
      • Who is supporting you?
      • Who is helping you to build your business?
      • Having a support system can be the difference between success and failure
      • People close to you may not support your efforts or understand why you are involved with MLM, so surround yourself with positive like-minded people
      • Contact your sponsor, mentor and use online groups of like-minded people who are all interested in becoming successful in MLM
      • Establishing a good support system will help with developing a success mindset for your business
    • Create a positive and successful mindset routine:
      • Have you looked at the top network marketers and said to yourself, “I want some of that!”
      • When you see someone who is fit, slim and healthy don’t think about how good they look. Think about their daily habits that are needed to achieve that result and the slight edge that got them there.
      • The positive routine philosophy can be transferred into your network marketing daily action plan, business and life.
      • Ask yourself, what are the top earners doing on a daily basis? Find out! Do something similar in your daily life.
      • The main habits of the most successful network marketers is persistence (Never give up)

Why do we hold ourselves back from the success and income we really want and deserve? It is a complex question, but in many cases the answer is simple. We are being asked to move out of our comfort zone in an area of possible failure and embarrassment. This is not a comfortable feeling, but to become a MLM leader sacrifices need to be made and action needed to be taken.

Some of us are born with no fear of failure and a confident mindset, but others need to develop these MLM skills overtime.

Here are some tools that may help you develop and empower yourself towards success:

  • Write down the things you say you can’t do, so you can own them
  • Write down why you feel it is important for you to change them
  • Now write down an empowered version of yourself without the things you can’t do
  • Visualize yourself so you can see your life with this new empowered version of youself and all its benefits
  • Use positive support to find your inner strength
  • Step out of your comfort zone (One new thing everyday)
  • Work on your personal development to help you empower yourself and your mind.

Hopefully you have you found what is holding you back from being successful in your network marketing business and found a solution that will move you forward.

Now, the most important question, what are you willing to do about it?

Every time you need to change something in your life, move out of your comfort zone and push the limits of what you believe you can do, you are moving one step closer towards a better network marketing mindset that will give you success.

For more details about my personal mindset to success and why I got into network marketing click on the button below and read, “Who is Steven Jackson?”

Where can someone get involved with network marketing?

Anyone can enroll to be a network marketer on this page, in fact I looking for one or two new individuals to mentor and support. The company is called doTERRA and they are a therapeutic grade essential oils company that has been growing fast since 2008. For only 35$ / 20€ / £20 / 50 AUD you can become a consultant and receive as a part of the business package a free webshop, back office, Free mentoring and network marketing leadership training and no monthly fee.

Mindset training network marketing

Where can someone new get the mindset training network marketing needs?

This is a great question and it simply comes from the leader you decide to join. Let me rephrase that, the leader you decide to join and speak to on a weekly basis. Having the right mindset for MLM does need a dialogue with a leader that knows how the system works. Without a full understanding it is very difficult to become successful. So, when you join a MLM business reach out to your enroller or rely when they reach out to you.

How do I join doTERRA?

      1. Click here (Technical advice: Mobile devices can have glitches, for best results use the Chrome browser on your PC or Mac computer)
      2. Note: If you are enrolling from outside the US – Click Here and choose your language and country
      3. Choose your kit (When you purchase a product enrollment the enrollment fee is waived)
        • To purchase the 35$ enrollment, click on the “Individual Products” button and then click on the Bag button on the top right hand side of the page.
      4. Review your order and proceed to checkout
      5. Fill in your details
      6. Choose Wellness Advocate or Wholesale Customer
      7. Enroller ID and Sponsor ID is: 930175
      8. All Wellness Advocate packages includes a free webshop, back office and no monthly fee
      9. Fill in your Shipping details
      10. Pay for your order

Within a short while you will receive an email, confirming your enrollment and then in about 3 days you will receive another email from your Enroller welcoming you and offering you his or her help and support with you new network marketing business.

If you have any question about having the right mindset to success or our business opportunity that will change your life forever add your name, address and a short message in the form below and I will get back to you asap…..


How to make money from a website with top MLM companies?

If you are looking for good side jobs to make extra money from home, there is only one opinion that will tick all the boxes and still allow you to be employed and be available to your family

For many people trying to find good side jobs to make extra money has one massive problem and that is time or the lack of it. The classic paradox is having just enough money to survive, but not enough to live the way we desire.  On the other hand, we may have all the time, but no money to invest in a business.

Fortunately,  the online marketing methods and top MLM companies allow people short of time and money to build a business. 

For example:

  • MLM is affordable and can be make money on a part time basis
  • Online marketing gives you the power of the internet. It also give you the ability to automate your selling, recruitment and follow up system from a website.

It is one thing telling you about how to make extra money and another implementing it on your website or blog. So, once you have read thing page, subscribed to my newsletter I will get back to you. We can discuss how to monetize your website and make extra money by working a few hours a week with one of the top network marketing companies.


Why you should learn more about ways to make extra money online and at home?

As we already know, we are all online. In some cases nearly all of the time. We are on our smartphones, our tablets or our laptops. We are always online, somewhere, some when and globally, we can not get enough of it.

That is why it makes it evermore important that we have a presence and our website online if we are running a business. This mindset should be the same regardless if we are running a traditional or a home based opportunity.

How to make money from a website

How I learnt how to make money from a website in network marketing?

My name is Steve Jackson and I have been a network marketer for for over 20 years. I enjoy the freedom and success it brings which allows me to make extra money online. I love the concept of helping and supporting others to make money from their website. Greater still, it ticks all the boxes for me and allows me to run and build my own business almost anywhere in the world.

The penny finally dropped for me when I was running a tech type MLM business. I started to realize the power of the internet in relation to making money online in a MLM business. I found that there was a relationship between the affiliate marketing methods and building a team in MLM.

Anyone who has work in the MLM industry understand the complex world of recruiting family and friends into their business. It simply does not work as it does on paper. Family and friends do not want to hear you pitching for maybe the fourth time another one of your new business ideas.

And why should they?

Returning to the penny dropping. Once I had understood that I could recruit and follow up in a single system, family and friends could be put back where they belong as family and friends.

Are the MLM online hybrids, good side jobs to make extra money from home?

This is almost like trying to uninvent the wheel. It is out of the box and we can’t get it back in again unless the world and society has a massive terrible global natural disaster. 

The internet is here to stay so best to be happy about that.


Why should more of us research the top MLM companies for a second income?

I think one reason why many of us are searching for good side jobs to make extra money is a gender role issue. Even though gender equality is a good thing for society as a whole it also has negative implications. As society moves from a one wage family unit to a two wage, the wages of the male family members over time have declined. This means when the family decides to have a child a single wage normally the fathers cannot cope with to new financial burden over the long-term. This creates the need and the opportunity for the mother or the father to consider a second income from home.

Top MLM companies

Why should you learn while you earn money through the internet?

Over the last ten years we have as a culture become addicted to purchasing online. We purchase so much that traditional shops and businesses have closed down or upgraded to integrate an interactive web store. Multiple platforms have been created to allow us to purchase anything all the time. Many may feel that this new paradigm is bad for society, but the new is always seen with skepticism in the more conservative in society. However, for the children of the internet it is seen as an empowering and an opportunity to be free of the restrictions of traditional 9 to 5 employment.

Trust in online shopping has created an opportunity for people like you and me to earn a living online. This means we can take advantage of affordable hosting, home based business models and niche product lines to become online entrepreneurs.

Arguably, this is the first time in history that everyone with some basic knowledge of the internet can have financial freedom by running a business solely online. However, the traditional online entrepreneurs method can be expensive and timely for someone new to the industry. The best and most affordable alternative is research some of the top MLM companies to find niche MLM products that you can integrate into your online business.

Are you searching for good side jobs to make extra money, but you don’t know what to sell?

It is always difficult to know what to sell, but some simple rules when choosing a product line is:

  • A product that customers need and want to purchase every month
  • A niche and exclusive product that the customers are passionate about, so the customer become a return customer
  • A high end and quality product, so you can be confident of what you are offering to the customer
  • A expensive product so you can sell less and make more commissions


What you should consider before joining any of the top MLM companies

The main idea with these rules is to reduce the amount of time and money you invest in your business. However, even when joining the top MLM companies other you should still be looking at the cost of starting the business in the first place, such as:

  • Is there a monthly fee? (I would avoid monthly fees, starting any business does not need any extras things to worry about)
  • How much will it cost me to start? (The starting up cost should be low, but free sometimes mean rubbish)
  • How much product do I need to purchase? (There is normally a small amount to receive bonuses, but the better companies you are not forced to purchased products all the time)
  • How much will it cost me to run the business? (A business needs some kind of investment, so keeping the cost down should be a priority in the early stages, so what you don’t really need don’t buy)
  • Will I get product and business training? (Yes of course, in this new globalized world much of the training is done online and if you do not live in the middle of nowhere, some training is done locally)
  • How will the company pay me? (The best MLM companies have various payment methods from their own personal payment card to simply being paid directly into you bank account)

What is the best way to monetize website for your network marketing business?

That is a great question and one that many people ask me all the time. For some reason many feel they need to disagree with me. I am happy with discourse and I do not mind being asked to explain myself. However, if someone has been in a MLM business for over 12 months and have not recruited any more than a handful of people they need to change something.

My preferred method of building a MLM business online is by monetizing website traffic by creating content via landing pages and blogs. Then I simply encourage the visitors to subscribe to my newsletter. They can then receive more valued and interesting content via my newsletter service.

The concept is simple, prospect will visit your webpage to two reasons, entertainment or information. So, by creating informative, entertaining and interesting content you will receive organic visitors to your landing page or blog.

The second stage for the method to work is the follow up. Once someone has subscribe to your newsletter you will need to follow up with them periodically. It may take seven or eight newsletters before the prospect makes a decision to join your business or buy your products.

A vital aspect of the whole online MLM marketing method is the ability to have a continues stream of warm leads joining your newsletter readership. This means the creation of new and valued content needs to be made regularly to attract new visitors.


An independent and continues stream of warm leads are the best ways to monetize website visitors?

As I have already mentioned, most people that subscribe to a landing page or blog newsletters to buy products or to join a business don’t on first visit. This doesn’t mean they will never consider your offer, it only means not today. In this case as in traditional MLM marketing the fortune is in the follow up. So, whatever the role of your webpage is, the newsletter should still offer interesting and valued content. The reason is that your readership will start to wait for the next newsletter rather than being angry about your newsletters.

The big mistake learning how to make money from a website in network marketing

The biggest mistake by many new network marketers building a business online is that they believe that one website is enough. Nearly all the MLM training programs will tell you the same thing. The road to success is taking consistent and daily action.  This means creating content everyday regardless what that may consist of.

Your other main goal should be to develop your own unique system and style that organically brings in a  continues stream of warm leads. This means creating new content, content and more content and when you have finished, create some more content. There is a time when you will have enough content, but that normally means assessing old and revitalizing your content.

Good side jobs to make extra money

How do I find out more about starting good side jobs to make extra money online?

I am not going to lie to you, even considering making money from home is not for the faint-hearted. If you are willing to start a new business or career or profession new skills are required.   That also mean work is required.  The skills we have or are willing to learn will be the difference between success and failure.

Sadly, this page cannot explain everything about running your MLM business online, but it does show you a little how to make money from a website. Like anything there is a process of learning new skills and implementing them with fearless confidence to the world. The only thing it take is being bold enough to express yourself put your thoughts online.

If you would like to learn more on how to make money from a website from home add your name, email address and short message on the form below. We will get back to you asap with a product guide and business information that that you may find interesting.