Top tips on starting a small business from home that succeeds

If you have ever considered online business ideas from home, I am sure like most people you are wondering how to get started

Starting any business regardless if you want to start a big or small business is making that decision. Yes, an unusual opening statement, but procrastination and the unwillingness to take action is the fundamental reason why most individuals do not start their businesses.

The dream is all it becomes and not the reality, misconceptions about financing and investing in a business becomes the overwhelming fear. The fact is that with quite a small investment it is very easy to start a home based business. The main reason is that we already have most of the hardware in our homes such as a computer and a smartphone and in addition, we do not need to rent an office or travel to work.


Can you start a business from home, if I am already employed?     

Yes, this is very possible and in most cases the home business concept was formed when people needed to earn some extra money while working. Many choose to work part time from home in the evening or whenever they can structure it into their day. If their business becomes bigger and more lucrative than their employment they may decide overtime to continue full time in their home business.

Why should someone consider starting a small business from home?

Below I have made a list of the most usual reasons why people want to start a home business, but of course you personally may have something deeper in mind. However, a motivator is a very important element in the drive towards a successful business from home.

Being employed can get expensive

The cost of working for someone else can be expensive. Everyday an employee may need to drive to work, pay for parking and vehicle maintenance / repair, buy lunch, buy coffee, and even purchase bus or train tickets.

When someone works from home all these payments stop. If you want proof, sit down and calculate how much you spend a month on going to work, you will be amazed how much you are spending and how much you are really earning from your employment.   

Work when you want

Most of us have been working 9 to 5 or even more for many years so the idea of having flexible working hours can be great for the homemaker who may have the responsibility of their children.

No more desperately seeking time off to take your children to the dentist or take that trip you have always wanted to take at the last minute. The hours you choose to work is simply down to how much you want to earn.

I hate being told what to do

Some people just don’t like being told, so really the only option is to become your own boss. There is a kind of freedom and empowering element of being in charge but also a responsibility, because if no-one is telling you what to do, it means you need to tell yourself.  

The negative side of being the boss and being successful means discipline. What does that mean? It means being a self starter, self-motivated,  and taking the blame for the ups and the downs of your business, the fact is there is no-one else to blame.

It is a big issue for some so-called entrepreneurs that use the status while not actually doing anything toward their business. Treating your business lightly will ultimately kill your business so aim higher than you intend to go.

Even if you intend to simply work part time on your home business, you will still need to commit to the rules of the game by putting in the work. This means again disciplining yourself to do the work needed to become successful.

Online business ideas from home

Can you start a business from home and become successful?

Below I have set out some tips that will guide you through the confusing world of running a business from home, to help and support you towards success.

Do your research

The internet is full of home based businesses that range from tech products, costume jewellery to wellness products, so how does someone choose the right opportunity for them? The simplest way is to research and find out as much about the opportunity as possible, but in my opinion the starting point should be what type of product interests you, then research opportunities in the same genre.

Once you have decided on a product or service and created a list of half a dozen opportunities, try to put yourself in the mind of the customer. Disregard any business that tells you there is nothing to sell, because with a product or service, my alarm bells go off. However, whatever product or service you decide on you need to be passionate about it and happy sharing it with others.

Marketing your business

Many years ago marketing and advertising a business was a very time consuming and expensive pursuit. It meant advertising in the local papers, small shop adverts, even printing, distributing flyers in your local area and lets not forget word of mouth advertising. What a lot of work and in many cases the results were sketchy.

Fortunately, the internet has changed everything, advertising via Google, Facebook and other social media platforms are quite effective and affordable. However, the most effective form of marketing is a free option and that is blogging, article marketing, landing pages, SEO marketing, podcasting and social media marketing. All these options are free even if they need some skills that can be developed as someone gets into the business.  

However, regardless of how you want to promote your business opportunity, the main goal is to make the world aware of your product, service and business opportunity.

Return customer base

The most important customer is a return customer, a loyal customer and a satisfied customer, so an opportunity with a high retention rate is telling you that you have found the right business. However, once you have a high return customer base, it is important to keep them in touch with what’s new, what deals you have and what the future of the company will be.

In the internet age, personal contact is more unusual, but if it is, building a relationship where the customer feels important is vital in expanding your business.

Keep yourself up to date

Starting a small business from home is not difficult, but it does mean learning new skills, developing a mindset change and in some cases changing our behaviour. In a practical sense it also means keeping up with the latest trends in your genre and the company’s product line.

In addition, you will need persistence, determination and effort to commit to any action plan you have set out for yourself.

Can you start a business from home

Five simple rules for success in your online business ideas from home

As you can see, starting a business is one thing but implementing it is another, so below I have set out a simple list of rules.

  1. Take action
  2. Set goals
  3. Make a plan
  4. Work on it every day and
  5. Never give up

Take action

Any business needs a starting point and that means taking action, this is more than thinking or talking about what you would like to do, it means committing to and taking responsibility to start your business today.

Set goals

Once you have activated yourself, it is time to set down your achievable goals, for example, what do you want to achieve?

Make a plan

Even though goal setting defines the destination, how to achieve one’s goal needs a plan, because if you don’t make a plan you will fail.

Work on it every day

At this stage you should have everything together, because you have taken action, set your goals and made a plan, so now you need to work on it every day. And I mean every day!

Never give up

Finally, if someone really wants to run a successful home business, remember, your mantra should be “never give up”.

How can you start a business from home?

If you truly want to start a business from home and you have the passion and the discipline to succeed, it is simply about implementing the information on this page into your business.

Remember, you are not meant to know everything from day one, but you should be willing to learn new things regardless how difficult it may seem at the start.

If you want more information about starting a small business from home and achieving success click on the “Learn More” button below and add your name and email address in the form. We will get back to you asap.


How to open your own business as a online advertising marketer

The most successful home based businesses available today is in the essential oils industry which over the last ten years has been trending higher than the other home business

Online advertising and marketing is one of the most effective ways for a home business to expand its reach, find new customers, and diversify their revenue streams. So, merging the home based business model with online advertising is the logical development of expanding their business for the online advertising marketer.

However, the reasons for building a online business from home varies from person to person. It may be children, an elderly parent or a disability, it maybe as simple as financial. Regardless for your reason we still need to feel that we are making an income, contributing to society and the household finances.


What choice does the online advertising marketer have?

One option is to find some kind of home employment opportunity or business that will allow you to integrate your home life into your working life. This is not always easy but with some forethought and planning it is very possible to create a good income from home and online. However, when people come to me for the first time considering self employment, I tell them to ask themselves one very important question:

“Should I start my own business from home?”

I mean really think about it. Do you have the time? The motivation and the support to start such a journey as running a business?

Advice for starting a small business  as a online advertising marketer?

The key to becoming a successful online advertising marketer and home business owner needs is the same skills and mindset as any other business. As a home business owner you can learn while you earn, because you will not need to invest large amounts of money as you would in a bricks and mortar model. The home business model will give you time to plan and learn considering you have minimal business costs and outgoing from day one.

Below, there is a list of skills you will need to acquire to be proficient in this industry:

Financial management skills: Managing your finances is one of the most important aspects of running a business. This means monitoring profit and loss as well as the ability of being able to forecast your cash flow and sales as needed. This is not just for you, but for the tax office when you declare your expenditure and  income.

If your home finances are sound the likelihood your business finances will be the same and your business overall will be more profitable. I personally avoid conventions or conferences where I can see no profit unless there is great networking opportunity, so keep a strict fiscal policy in your business.

Marketing, sales and customer service skills: Learning how to create an effective marketing strategy via the internet, social media and in person to generate sales is a vital element to keeping ahead of the competition and being successful.

Again, I personally use ever trick in the book, from landing pages, blogs, content marketing, social media marketing and of course a auto mailing service so I have always available, if not in person.

Communication skills: Learning how to communicate with others regardless if in person or via other online methods will help build trust and a good working relationship with anyone in contact with your business.  Being an effective writer and speaker will reflect your personal brand and image. Furthermore, written, audio, visual and video content if created to a high standard work for you for many years 24/7.

Leadership skills: Learning to be a leader seems to be difficult for many of us. If you have a sales team like many home based business have learn how to motivate them. It is a vital aspect of your business. A good leader will influence, mentor and coach their team to get the best out of them and improve productivity and earnings for both you and your team.

Planning skills: It is shocking how many people do not believe in planning anything in their business by using expression such as, “I want my business to develop organically” meaning “No plan and lets wing it”. Now this is great for a night out on the town, but business needs a plan, such as setting up a website, arranging meetings with prospects and customers, effectively using your time, and finally most effectively using your money you have invested. Without a plan the day will get away from you and nothing will get done, so learning to make a plan and set achievable goals is the key.

Responsibility and time management skills: Learning to allow your team to take responsibility rather than trying to do everything for them should be your mantra. This method will create a better time management system delegating responsibility to someone else in the business. The key is to identify team members that you feel would like to do more and even earn more by offering more responsibility.

Solving problems: Personally, I plan for everything and still problem solving is needed. It may be website issues, customer complaints, product returns and even personality issues with team members. Whatever it may be you need to be able to make good decisions and sometimes under pressure. I have found the best method is to take each problem at a time and resolve it. Looking at everything is just overwhelming, so priorities and work on the biggest problem first without considering the others until the first task is completed.

Networking and building relationships: Business is finally about people and the relationships we have with them. We don’t need to like everyone and not everyone is going to like us, but in business we need to have a relationship. So, creating a good relationships through networking will help your business grow. In addition, relationships will allow you to learn new methods and develop ideas with other in a similar industry that may be integrated into your business.

Please don’t believe that you need all of these skills from day one, this is just our step by step business startup guide. This will take you through the process of what will be expected of anyone embarking on this journey.

How to open your own business


What is the most successful home based businesses available today?

If you are on a budget and you can’t see yourself getting a loan to start your own business, there are still have a few options such as a low cost startup business, but the rules above still apply.

The main issue for people wanting to start a low cost business is that the low investment impedes the financial motivation. Having a large loan and the process needed to gain it such as appointment in the bank, a business plan and a cost assessment is a powerful influence. The fact is this process is a massive motivator, so when starting a low cost startup a different mindset is needed to impact and motivate the passion needed to succeed.

The steps to starting your own business online and from home

Anyone starting a business should recognize that “work in required” and also the investment of time and some money. The main fundamentals steps to starting a business and being successful goes something like this:

  1. Take Action: By going through the fundamentals of starting a business. Be sure that everyone in your family understands what you have planned and that you may need time to achieve success.
  2. Setting goals: By deciding and write down what your short and long term goals are and what you want to achieve as a business owner and entrepreneur. These are very personal, dig deep and reflex of what you really desire from this process, but as a tip, look beyond money to what you want to do with it.
  3. Make a plan: By writing down how you intend achieving your said goals it makes the whole experience concrete. Deciding what you intend to do and how long it will take in a daily, weekly and monthly plan.
  4. Work everyday until success: Of course weekends are free for family and friends, but finding time to work on your business everyday is crucial if you want real success. Whatever, you intend to earmark make it count. So, if you can work two hours a day, commit to it and make them two hour count.

Online advertising marketer

The best low cost and most successful home based businesses available today is:

  • Niche and High Quality Product – Click here for product guide
  • A product your customer need and value and would purchase on a monthly basis
  • Low cost turnkey business package with no monthly fee
  • Free webshop and back office
  • Global reach
  • Unlimited earning potential
  • Sustainable compensation plan
  • Free one on one training and support

Learn how to open your own business as a online advertising marketer from home

There are hundreds of profitable work from home businesses available online but one I would suggest is a high end essential oils company which provide the customer with an outstanding product which a retention rate of 68%.

The startup fee is so low that anyone can afford to get started today, so for more information about being an online advertising marketer click on the “Learn More” button below and add your name and email address on the form below and we will get back to you asap….